Monday, February 24, 2020

The Homeric Hymns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Homeric Hymns - Essay Example It is understood that children born out of wedlock tend to have difficulty in committing to a married life. Dionysos name means he was born twice and this signifies that children born without parents tend to end up not getting married. The other narratives of Hymns to Apollo show that Women especially mothers have control over their sons. It is a known fact that sons and their mothers do have a maternal connection that is strong and cannot be easily separated (Rayor 28). The connection between Apollo and life in the current society is that men have a weakness towards pleasing women. The other lesson we learn from the Greek mythology through the Homeric Hymns is that of sibling rivalry. Apollo and Hermes were brothers who competed against each other and their problems were solved by the gods. Their rivalry connects to the current society whereby people close to us and whom we trust often end up betraying us. For instance, politicians are famous for praises but they end up betraying a lot of people (Athanassakis 64). We also learn that gods are often happy when praises are extended towards them on different occasions. The most important lesson and connection is learnt through the Hymns to Demeter. These hymns bring out the connection of life and death whereby when a person dies his soul continues in immortality. The disappearance and emergence of Persephone from time to time shows the dynamism in today’s life in the society. Moreover, it shows the connection between life and death in that when people die their soul continues to live in immortality. Topic 2 Spiritual transformation is a practice that was mostly undertaken by different individuals at different times. Due to this people had to practice some spiritual practices to change the world. The main practice of spiritual transformation is the act of changing the way people work during different times. Spiritual transformation as explained by Carl Jung looks into the spiritual changes that a person unde rgoes as a result of an external event occurring that affects an individual religious beliefs. The major transformation that occurred to Demeter was when her child was kidnapped by Hades. This event led to Demeter changing her behaviour leading to the death of many people. When Demeter daughter was captured and raped by Aidoneus, she became very furious (Rayor 90). Although, she did not hear the screams of her daughter but only the echo of her during her capture, this caused a lot of worries to her. Since Demeter was the god of agriculture her faith and trust in the other gods waned. As a result, she decided to punish the people by sending a winter that caused a lot of destruction towards humankind. Demeter felt betrayed by Zeus since the god did not reveal that he was aware of her daughter’s abduction. Zeus had the knowledge of Persephone whereabouts but he did not reveal this to Demeter and hence she visited the earth and she refused to return to Olympus (Athanassakis 32). Demeter visited the earth to look for her daughter and this event transformed her behaviour. Demeter’s transformation was brought about by her daughter’s disappearance and re-appearance. Demeter descended upon the earth as a result of hearing about her daughter’s disappearance into the earth. Her transformation saw people worship her on earth so as to please her and spare her wrath from the people.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Corporate Governance Master Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corporate Governance Master - Assignment Example The Financial Services Authority has evolved a refurbished code on corporate governance replacing the1998 intending that the new Code will apply for reporting years beginning on or after 1 November 2003. This Code supersedes the earlier Combined Code issued by the Hampel Committee on Corporate Governance in June 1998.The highlight feature of the new code is the leveraging on the work of Derek Higgs on the role and effectiveness of non-executive directors and a review of the structure and functions of audit committees by a group led by Sir Robert Smith. The Code has substantial prescriptions on the Board, Chairman and chief executive, Board balance and independence etc (Combined, 2003). "At The Body Shape the Board meets formally six times a year and is responsible amongst other things for strategy, allocation of financial resources, annual and interim results, acquisitions and disposals and risk management. For each formal meeting, the Board reviews how the Company has performed agai nst its Values." Its share holders' surveys reveal that the Board needs to take leadership initiatives in resolving following important values' based corporate governance issues which seem to be affecting company's social and corporate image and competitive edge.(The Body Shop,2005) The Body Shop is in the business of selling personal care products. It has a rich retailing experience spanning well over 30 years. It also has a world wide market with operations in 54 countries. It shares stakeholders' relationship with its shareholders, customers, suppliers and retailers, employees and other non governmental organizations. In fact Body Shop is a unique organization that has pointedly sought to be a socially conscious organization that survives commercially. This is revealed by the following company profile in respect of company's beliefs," The Body Shop has been a leader in the trend towards greater corporate transparency, and has been a force for positive social and environmental change through its lobbying and campaigning programmes around five core principles: Support Community Trade, Defend Human Rights, Against Animal Testing, Activate Self-Esteem, and Protect Our Planet."(The Body Shop, 2006). While this is laudable belief menu; however stakeholder feedback distinctly shows that The Body Shop has taken its social accountability aspect a bit over the board. In fact some stakeholders even made comments such as," The Body Shop is not UN" and that "Campaigns should not be run on company funds" and "Do not over-stress ethical values and neglect the financial interests of your shareholder." etc. (The Body, 1999).In fact the values are laudable however here has been a strategic error of highlighting such incidental activities to the main business more than required. Such activities are