Saturday, December 28, 2019

Suit against the Church of the Divine Light Free Essay Example, 3250 words

The term "false imprisonment" is misleading in that it does not necessarily refer to confinement within a prison. Ware v. Dunn, 80 Cal. App. 2d 936, 183 P. 2d 128 (2d Dist. 1947). The term is broadly construed to mean detention of the plaintiff within boundaries fixed by the defendant, Stallings v. Foster, 119 Cal. App. 2d 614, 259 P. 2d 1006 (3d Dist. 1953), either in prison Gogue v. MacDonald, 35 Cal. 2d 482, 218 P. 2d 542, 21 A. L.R. 2d 639 (1950) (county jail); Collins v. Owens, 77 Cal. App. 2d 713, 176 P. 2d 372 (1st Dist. 1947) (incarceration in "drunk" cell) or in any place temporarily used for the purpose of confinement. Vandiveer v. Charters, 110 Cal. App. 347, 294 P. 440 (3d Dist. 1930). Thus, an action may be predicated on detention or confinement in a juvenile home McAlmond v. Trippel, 93 Cal. App. 584, 269 P. 937 (3d Dist. 1928) (rejecting contention that there can be no false imprisonment when detention is had under juvenile court laws and by juvenile court officers) or in a mental institution Collins v. We will write a custom essay sample on Suit against the Church of the Divine Light or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Raphael Weill Co., 90 Cal. App. 2d 461, 203 P. 2d 564 (1st Dist. 1949), or even the plaintiff's own home. Schanafelt v. Seaboard Finance Co. , 108 Cal. App. 2d 420, 239 P. 2d 42 (2d Dist. 1951). The term "false imprisonment" is misleading in that it does not necessarily refer to confinement within a prison. Ware v. Dunn, 80 Cal. App. 2d 936, 183 P. 2d 128 (2d Dist. 1947). The term is broadly construed to mean detention of the plaintiff within boundaries fixed by the defendant, Stallings v. Foster, 119 Cal. App. 2d 614, 259 P. 2d 1006 (3d Dist. 1953), either in prison Gogue v. MacDonald, 35 Cal. 2d 482, 218 P. 2d 542, 21 A. L.R. 2d 639 (1950) (county jail); Collins v. Owens, 77 Cal. App. 2d 713, 176 P. 2d 372 (1st Dist. 1947) (incarceration in "drunk" cell) or in any place temporarily used for the purpose of confinement. Vandiveer v. Charters, 110 Cal. App. 347, 294 P. 440 (3d Dist. 1930). Thus, an action may be predicated on detention or confinement in a juvenile home McAlmond v. Trippel, 93 Cal. App. 584, 269 P. 937 (3d Dist. 1928) (rejecting contention that there can be no false imprisonment when detention is had under juvenile court laws and by juvenile court officers) or in a mental institution Collins v. Jones, 131 Cal. App. 747, 22 P. 2d 39 (2d Dist. 1933) (overruled in part on other grounds by, Whaley v. Kirby, 208 Cal. App. 2d 232, 25 Cal. Rptr. 50 (4th Dist. 1962)), or hospital. Parker v. Los Angeles County, 62 Cal. App. 2d 130, 144 P. 2d 70 (2d Dist. 1943). So also, the place of confinement may be the office of an employer, Vandiveer v. Charters, 110 Cal. App. 347, 294 P. 440 (3d Dist. 1930); Moffatt v. Buffums' Inc. , 21 Cal. App. 2d 371, 69 P. 2d 424 (2d Dist. 1937), a department store, Hanna v. Raphael Weill Co., 90 Cal. App. 2d 461, 203 P. 2d 564 (1st Dist. 1949), or even the plaintiff's own home. Schanafelt v. Seaboard Finance Co. , 108 Cal. App. 2d 420, 239 P. 2d 42 (2d Dist. 1951). False imprisonment is defin ed by the California Penal Code as the unlawful violation of the personal liberty of another. Pen. Code, 236. The tort of false imprisonment is identical to the crime of false imprisonment, as defined under the Penal Code. Fermino v. Fedco, Inc. , 7 Cal. 4th 701, 30 Cal. Rptr. 2d 18, 872 P. 2d 559, 59 Cal. Comp. Cas. (MB) 296, 9 I. E.R. Cas. (BNA) 1132 (1994).

Friday, December 20, 2019

Canada s Power Regime Changes From New Face And New...

As Canada s power regime changes to a new face and new political party, the nation state receives a new vision. A new movement is introduced for establishing Canada s name socially, economically, and politically in its global relations. Canada has experienced this in the face of newly elected Prime Minister Sr. Justin Trudeau. Particularly inquiring of the dialogues exchanged within the conversation between Sr. Justin Treadeau and a press reporter in regards to a tax policy change that appeared to have a concealed contentious issue. The PM’s progressive plans aim to be for the wellbeing of Canadian society and building the pavement for a prosperous economy. Although Trudeau’s interior motives may be for the common good, for example to combat inequalities and class hierarchies between the Canadian citizens, his plan however may only be justice for some citizens and unfairness for the others. Analyzing this argument in accordance to the Rawls principles of justice as fair ness, and Locke s interpretation of individual rights and liberty to identify the rudimentary flaw in this exchange and the defense will be the aim of this paper. The exchange addresses Trudeau’s new policy plan, which is attempting to give a tax break to the middle-class by taking away from the upper-class or high income citizens, which in essence seems to be resulting in resentment. On your tax plans, you talk about bringing people together but in some ways it seems it is divisive policy†¦... The reporterShow MoreRelatedIndias Nuclear Policy2320 Words   |  10 Pagesrelationship between International Nuclear Regimes and developing nations is a matter of passionate debate. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Contemporary People Management in Companies †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Contemporary People Management in Companies. Answer: Introduction Human Resource Managementrefers to the process of effectively manage the organizational people. The main objective ofhuman resource management is to maximize the performance of the staffs (Hendry 2012). For this reason, human resource management of the companies mainly concerned with the employees of the organizations and the related policies about them. In this context, it needs to be mentioned that human resource management has major contribution towards the overall success of the business organizations. This is the responsibility of human resource management of the companies to take care about the needs and demands of the employees so that they can contribute towards the achievements of organizational goals and objectives (Beardwell and Thompson 2014). However, managing human resources is not an easy process as various steps are involved in this. The major aim of this study is to make analysis and evaluation different factors of human resource management and people management in t he companies. Contribution of Strategic Human Resource Management Human resource management has substantial contribution towards the success of the companies. Human resource management increases the productivity as well as efficiency of the employees and as a result of this, the employees become largely able to contribute towards the achievements of organizational goals and objectives (Daley 2012). In this process, the companies become able to improve the organizational performance. Human resource management helps the organizations to motivate the employees towards their jobs so that they can contribute their best for the company. Most importantly, human resource management manages the wages and salaries of the employees. Thus, effective human resource management helps in saving a great deal of money for the companies. Human resource management introduces various kinds of training and development programs for the employees in order improve their efficiencies. Thus, from the above discussion, it can be observed that human resource management contrib utes largely towards various aspects of the business organizations (Marler and Fisher 2013). However, it needs to be mentioned there are some factors that make human resource management a difficult process. Human resource managers need to comply with various employment laws and regulations. Non-compliance with these laws can put human resource management in difficult situations. It is difficult for human resource managers to make strategies as per the changes of business environments. In addition, it is tough for the human resource managers to lead all the employees of the companies as there is a need for strong leadership competencies (Budhwar and Debrah 2013). In addition, it is on the human resource management of the companies to arrange effective training and development facilities. At the same time, human resource managers need to be adaptive of new innovative changes in human resource practices. In case the human resource managers fail to do these, they will not be able to establish effective human resource management practice in the companies. Thus, all these reasons make human resource management a difficult process for the companies. Utilitarianism and the Happiness Principle In the process of human resource management, ethics play an important part. It is expected that all the employees of the organizations need to act in the most ethical way. In this context, a major concept is the principles of Utilitarianism and Happiness. Utilitarianism is based on the principles of Greatest Happiness. These principles are applicable for the human resource management of the companies (Mulgan 2014). The principles of Utilitarianism and Happiness state that the actions of the organizational people are considered as moral in case they promote any kind of utility in the organizations. On the other hand, in case the actions of the employees or other do not promote any utility in the organizations, they will be considered as immoral. It implies that the employees of the companies need to take correct decisions so that they can bring utility in the business organizations. An employee will be considered as moral in case they can bring utility in the business organizations. I n this context, it is the responsibility of the human resource managers to motivate the personnel so that they can become enthusiastic towards their job. Only then, they will be able to bring utility in the organization (Albee 2014). Humans Resource Management and Contemporary People Management As per the earlier discussion, human resource management is the process of managing the human resources of the companies. In the context of human resource management, another major concept in human resource management is Contemporary People Management.People management is the process to manage the people in the business organizations. People management can be considered as a subset of human resource management and it deals with various organizational policies like strategic policies, financial policies and others (Zhang et al. 2015). Hence, it can be seen that there is a direct relation between human resource management and the people management. Human resource management is mainly concerned with all the people of the organizations. However, people management is mainly concerned with the personnel or staffs of the companies. For this reason, people management is considered as administrative in nature. On the other hand, it is the objective of human resource management of the companie s to make it sure that the productivity of the employees increases and thus, human resource management takes all the necessary actions (Thompson 2013). Hence, from the above discussion, it can be seen that there is a positive relation between human resource management and people management as people management is a part of human resource management. Analytical and Communication Skills It is required for the human resource managers of the companies to have certain skills for the people management in the companies. The first major required skill is the communication skill for the human resource managers. Effective communication is considered as the key of success in every organization (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). It is required for the human resource managers to establish effective communication channel with the organizational people and upper management so that the solution of the problems can be developed and considered. The second essential skill for the management of organizational people is the analytical skill. The human resource managers of the companies need to have the ability to analyze various tricky and difficult situations in the organizations related to the organizations people. The analysis of critical problems makes it easier for the human resource managers to get to their optimal solutions (Chelladurai and Kerwin 2017). Thus, it can be seen that the se two major skills are required for the management of people. Conclusion From the above discussions, it can be seen that strategic human resource management has many contribution in the business organizations like to develop organizational goals and objectives; to increase the employee productivity and others. However, strategic human resource management is not an easy process, as they have to face some major difficulties like to comply with various rules and regulations; lack of effective leadership traits and others. The above discussion shows that the principles of Utilitarianism and Happiness help the human resource managers to establish ethics in the organizations workforce. It can also be seen from the above discussion that there is a positive relation between human resource management and people management. The above study discusses that the human resource managers need to acquire effective communication skill and effective analytical skill for the management of people in the business organizations. References Albee, E., 2014.A history of English utilitarianism(Vol. 1). Routledge. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Beardwell, J. and Thompson, A., 2014.Human resource management: a contemporary approach. Pearson Education. Budhwar, P.S. and Debrah, Y.A. eds., 2013.Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge. Chelladurai, P. and Kerwin, S., 2017.Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics. Daley, D.M., 2012. Strategic human resources management.Public Personnel Management, pp.120-125. Hendry, C., 2012.Human resource management. Routledge. Marler, J.H. and Fisher, S.L., 2013. An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic human resource management.Human Resource Management Review,23(1), pp.18-36. Mulgan, T., 2014.Understanding utilitarianism. Routledge. Thompson, N., 2013.People management. Palgrave Macmillan. Zhang, Y., Waldman, D.A., Han, Y.L. and Li, X.B., 2015. Paradoxical leader behaviors in people management: Antecedents and consequences.Academy of Management Journal,58(2), pp.538-566.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Project Development Project Management Engineering

Question: Describe about the Project Development for Project Management Engineering. Answer: Introduction: The assignment is based upon creating a Network Infrastructure and system arrangement for the Australian Labs. The project will address problem analysis and system development for the lab facility. Australian lab contacted XYZ Informatics for the job and us at XYZ Informatics analyzing and preparing a system which can be compatible with the present scenario. The lab is currently working with traditional sample collection and report distribution system. They are willing to acquire new facilities regarding the lab sample collection and reporting. Problem Analysis: The Australian Labs is associated with lab testing service for a variety of clients, which includes doctors, medical offices throughout the country. In the working culture, the clients send test vials to the Australian Labs and then they analyze the vials and send a report to the client. The Australian lab testing center generally tests the samples and analyze it provide a report associated with different diseases. They usually send the report via fax. We can analyze these working steps can be considered as more time consuming as well hectic. Testing, reporting, and collection these are three things which require proper collection and reporting. 1. System development is a process through which a system can be analyzed, created, tested and at last deployed in the working environment. The system development life cycle is applied in the case of Information system. In general, there are different approaches which can be applied for the system development life cycle. I have selected two most popular approached which are Waterfall approach and Agile approach for the project Development. Project managers mostly select these two approached for the project development. Waterfall approach: The waterfall approach is one of the widely used approaches for the project management. The waterfall approach is mainly used to divide the whole project into different objectives. It mostly emphasizes in the planning and time schedule as well project budget. It is considered as one of the tightly controlled project management which can be considered as a loophole with this approach (Maylor and Jones, 1996). Agile Approach: Agile approach is one of the best and most used method for the project management. This method is considered as one of widely used and flexible method for the project management. It promotes adaptive planning and continuous improvement. The agile method for SDLC is considered as one of the widely used methods for the software development. It supports rapid and flexible response towards the change. The agile method first creates a team for the project then planning, coding, testing and at last, the product is demonstrated to the stockholders. It also encourages stockholder association with the project. The development team also contributes their thoughts and approach in between the project. These are some of the benefits of the agile project development approach in SDLC (Maylor and Jones, 1996). The six source of softwares are Information technology services firms In - house developers. cloud computing vendors enterprise - wide solutions packaged software producers open source software Off the shelf softwares are those which are ready made and open to sell to the public. We can use the Off-the-shelf softwares for the Australian Labs with some modifications. If we do some modifications to the software which are needed as per the clients needs. 2. The primary functional requirement for the project in the case of Australian Labs are; There must be a network Infrastructure. Website Database Security system Computer system Barcode generator Scanner Tracking system Internet Barcode reader Non- Functional requirement: There are some non-functional requirements associated with the project. The functional requirement of a system is generally supported by non-functional requirements. These are, Accessibility Performance Security Functionality Robustness Privacy Quality Maintenance Fault Tolerance 3. The project cost-benefit analysis is a total sum up of the money invested in a project and the difference between the equivalent money values of the benefits which are accessed due to the project. In the case of the Australian Labs, the cost-benefit analysis of the company seems to good as the project cost is something lower than the value of the money associated with the benefits. AS total cost for the project is about $ 80, 000. At the very first year the net economic benefit is 0, but from the next year, the economic benefit is about $ 40,000 with a recurring cost of $25,000. The recurring cost is something which is attached to the function of the organization. The increase in the benefit is directly proportional to the increase in the demand. As the system will facilitate the organization to work quickly with the samples and reducing the time associated with the testing and reporting of a sample so the marginal benefit is going to increase with the time. So as per my analysis, the project is going to benefit the organization in long term and cost associated with it is lesser than the return due to benefits (Sassone and Schaffer, 1978). 4: WBS: Gantt Chart This Gantt chart shows the time and the work associated with the project Development. The following project schedule shown in the Gantt chart describes the overall time associated from the starting of the project till the termination of the project. This contains different objectives and milestones. The first is the project selection when the Australian Labs has consulted us for the project work they wanted to create something which is suitable for their organization. The management of both teams agreed upon the time and budget and legally made an agreement or Memorandum of Understanding. As per my views, the project schedule is appropriate, there are different meetings between the stockholders and well as with the team members. The 1-day meeting is aimed to brief about the development in the project and how these are going to benefit the organization. The overall time for the project development is about 12 days which is considered as enough as the company wants the project completed for a limited time so that the working culture of the company does not get affected by the project. The main thing is the training of the employees. The team from the development company will train the employees so that they can effectively work with the new system and utilize the benefits to get work done quickly. 5: Stakeholders are the persons or organizations who are directly or indirectly involved with the project. Internal Stakeholders: Software Developer Project manager System administrator CEO of the company Company staffs Network Engineer System Engineer Project manager from the Australian Labs. Factory manager External Stakeholders: Supplier companies Government authorities Internet providersThe traditional technique for collecting requirements includes different aspects, which are interviewing and listening, making questionnaires, observing the users and analyzing procedures and other relevant documents. These are the 4 methods which are generally needed while making requirements, the interviewing and listening is one of the most used methods. In this process, the team generally interviews the users and find out their views regarding the present and what they want to be induced in future. These help the team in analyzing the situation. The questionnaire is another thing which is created when the numbers of users are in large numbers. In this case, the questionnaire helps the team in analyzing the requirements. If the numbers of users are high then questionnaire can be considered as the best option. The three mostly used traditional methods are ; Interviewing and Listening Creating Questionnaires Observing users All of these three can be considered as relevant in the case of project requirement analysis. The Interview can be conducted if the numbers of users are less and the requirements are directly involved with their work culture. The Questionnaire is also one of the most used methods in requirement analysis, if the organization is big and a company has to conduct requirement analysis then they can simply create a question set which needed to be answered by the employees. This procedure directly reflects the requirements are the development company can choose the most demanded aspect of the project. The last traditional technique is Observing users, in this approach the project team generally observe the users of the system and create a set of requirements based on their observation. In the case of Australian Labs, the users can be interviewed for the requirement analysis (Verma and Institute, 1995). Conclusion: The report is basically made on creating a system for the client company Australian Labs. The client company is involved in the lab testing works with having clients from different parts of the country. I have analyzed the situation and created a WBS as well as Gantt chart to show the required aspects of the project management. Apart from these, I have listed the stockholders who are directly or indirectly involved in the system development. Reference: Anderson, R.J. (2008). Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley Maylor, H. and Jones, D. (1996) Project management. London: Trans-Atlantic Publications. Sassone, P.G. and Schaffer, W.A. (1978) Cost-benefit analysis: A handbook. 8th edn. New York: Academic Press. Verma, V.C. and Institute, P.M. (1995) Organizing projects for success (human aspects of project management). United States: Project Management Institute.