Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analysis of India and Stagflation Literature review

Analysis of India and Stagflation - Literature review Example It is caused by cost-push inflation according to new Keynesian economic models. Such inflation occurs when certain factors increase the cost of production. These include government policies, e.g., fiscal ones, or the paucity of resources. Radhika Rao, a Singapore-based economist with DBS Bank, opines that â€Å"The economy might be trapped in a stagflationary-type environment, as growth is at the cusp of moving another leg lower while inflation bottoms out† (qt. in Kala). There is less local and foreign demand for Indian industrial goods. Even the borrowing costs have gone up. The automobile industry which drives manufacturing growth has forecast that auto sales will fall for the second continuous year. However, as Kala notes, exports grew on stronger global demand as the weak rupee makes Indian exports more competitive; and consequently, the imports into India become costlier, thus bringing down the deficit. Globalization is greatly responsible for stagflation, with the effec ts felt in most other countries. The question that Shrivastava asks is whether the Indian economy should have been opened up in a more selective manner. The global financial markets are volatile, which affects the Sensex, for instance. Moreover, the demand for Indian goods and services has reduced due to the recession in the US. Inflation has been growing due to a rise in commodity prices and a steady rise in the price of oil. Because the Indian economy is dependent on those of the US and other rich countries, a home market for products is no longer a prerogative of the government. The US recession has led to fall in exports, whereas the rise of the rupee against the dollar (till recently) cost many job losses. Indian companies are finding it difficult to raise capital abroad due to the decisions taken by the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the USA. The rise in prices of steel, cement, and oil has increased the costs in all industries. Due to the hike in interest rates to keep inflation under check, the cost of interest has also gone up. Uncertainties at the global level have slowed down the growth of industrial investment. Oil prices have increased due to futures trading in oil because of excess liquidity in the hands of big speculators. Another reason for this was the low value of the dollar (before the Indian rupee went into a free fall). Food prices have increased for various reasons. The demand for food has changed greatly. Since industrial agriculture is based on the use of fossil fuels, price hikes in oil directly affect food prices too. Climate change is another reason for raised food prices. With the increase in globalization, there is constant pressure on India to globalize the food sector and to bring the prices in line with those abroad. The US decision to push biofuels has led to a rise in food prices. The US government started giving subsidies to farms for growing corn to make ethanol for use in cars.  Ã‚  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Examine the idea of games Essay Example for Free

Examine the idea of games Essay Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf is a play about the emptiness that comes with regarding a material lifestyle as a fulfilling one, and the cruelty associated with people who suffer from a lack of more spiritually rewarding pursuits. For example Martha and Georges inability to have children, and her corresponding harsh comments to George on the subject of their son, who could not tolerate the shabby failure his father had become. The games and rituals George and Martha are so obsessed with are in many ways an outlet for raw emotion they cannot vent in more meaningful ways, Martha simply a woman with too much time and George a bogged down History lecturer. However, the games George and Martha play often serve to reinforce the love in their marriage the ability to simply allow these comments to run off shows how comfortable they are with one another. These games mean clichi d demonstrations of cute affection are not required to show their love, which would in some ways romanticise the play, and cut through the true nature of their relationship. Albees customised Genre attempts to contradict the popular notion of faultless marriages and living happily ever after. A quote from Albee himself said he was trying to break away from the Broadway productions of the period, which were simply, A reaffirmation of the audiences values, for those who wanted reminding of the status quo. It appears Albee uses the games as a metaphor of the trivial pursuits that people wade through having overlooked the more valuable things in life. The games are a test of endurance, and in general are based around winning a contest fairly based on rules. Honey and Nick represent a sheltered section of society that when exposed to the relentlessness of the games discover things about themselves that were previously unknown to them. Its as if they see the how hollow these games really are, and search for what they truly represent. For example the symbolic bringing up baby game helps Honey realise that she really does want a child, when previously her illusions of the importance of keeping those slim hips threatened her purpose in life of procreation. In some ways Albees use of the games put the audience in Nick and Honeys position, and the games convey the sub-text of the play that arent immediately obvious. In playing these games with the audience he gets the people thinking of the other hidden symbolism that piece together to give the overall message of the play; Albee revelled in giving the audience an experience they would remember. For example the names George and Martha, those of the founding couple of the American Constitution: a solid moral base for a nation that slowly warped over the years. The consumer revolution of Albees time signified the loss of sight of the true importance of ones roll in society, and the reluctance to recognise such mistakes is the biggest blunder of all. In many respects, George and Martha failed to snip their obsession with games and rituals in the bud and face the prospect of years of torment. Yet the final exorcism suggests that a sacrifice of some kind could allow the purity to return, most likely a message to the audience that the material illusions that have so heavily affected their lifestyles are a hindrance to a more meaningful progression. But the bringing up baby game is one of the more ritualistic games, and highlights the difference of the two. While Albee uses games to build the tension, and subtly suggest underlying themes, the rituals are usually used to diffuse the tension. Due to the nature of the games, there is an unpredictability that relies on the people playing, a theme Albee made sure to include by showing segments of everyone playing off against each other, some more significant than each other. For example George and Nick, the old and the new, the professor of the future of science and the professor of history, have a reasonably long debate, a form of game. It has connotations of the knowledge learnt from the past overriding the more here and now approach, another concealed message that there are things to be learnt from the past. However the rituals are more solid and planned, as with the rituals associated with the church they have a purpose, a meaning theyre symbolic. Games keep you occupied momentarily, but the rituals have an affect on your attitude to life. The rituals that Albee presents are very much simply a more dramatic and emotive effect than any games do. They give deep insight to the true nature of the characters, that cannot be judged purely on face value. It is Marthas ritualistic, rehearsed account of her son that provokes Honeys reaction of, I want a baby! , which in some respects relieves previous anxiety she would have suffered from over her indecision i. e. the proposed abortions. The most moving and important ritual of the play, the final Requiem Mass, relives all of the tension caused by the bitter conflict. It finishes with a quite calm and sane approach to the situation they are in; it awakens Martha to the truth of her illusions; she has come to rely on what at first helped her cope, much like the world has come to rely on the material things in life. The play finishes with the prospect of hope. The rituals in the play come in two forms. There are the routine, habitual practices that come as second nature to George and Martha, such as the antagonistic references to Marthas braying and George being a bog, and customary insults. But then there is the darker notion of a more ceremonial practice, such as the apparently set service of Georges exorcism. The interspersion of light-hearted games and sinister rituals, serves to stress the devolution of Martha and Georges relationship as the lines between the two slowly faded. In the same way a couple can jokingly accept a frivolous jibe, George and Martha have come to deem poignant, offensive comments as rudimentary. Martha: Uh you make me puke. George: That wasnt a very nice thing to say Martha: I like your anger The tone of the play builds towards the end because the Games slowly develop to rituals. At the start of the play, Marthas comment of, you make me puke is quickly fixed when Martha tries to give George, A big sloppy kiss, and it is taken in jest. But as the play advances, their interaction becomes more ritualistic. At one point their argument diffuses into calling each other names in French, something they are obviously accustomed to as they have French insults at the ready. Martha and Georges arguments become increasingly ritualistic, leading up to the previously collaborated behaviour of their son. They accuse one another of having failed their son, A son that came to his father for advice that wasnt mixed with sickness to which Martha retorts, A son who was so ashamed of his father . These are clearly things that they have accused each other of before, over a son that doesnt even exist. The comments are those divorces are made of, over the illusion of a son that can in actual fact give no input, meaning they are left to make up the rest for themselves, entrapping themselves in a web of further deceit. The irregularity of George and Marthas relationship is really due to the collage of games and rituals that govern their life their sniping is a set routine, a series of games, some of which they have become so accustomed to that they have become rituals. For example Marthas accusation of Phrasemaker, an idea we see so often throughout the play, with finishing each others sentences,that they even do it to their guests; Nick: actually, shes very frail and George: Slim-hipped. A prime example of the poisoning affect of the Games Martha and Georges relationship revolves around is that they seem to forget others arent familiar with the barrage of insults, that often appear intentionally offensive, Nick: I try not to George: Get involved. The games and rituals serve the purpose of revealing things about characters we may have previously been unaware of, and build great amounts of tension that keep the audience enthralled. However, Albee has also used them to give structure to an otherwise talking-based play. The games add an erratic element, in the idea that it is a contest to be one. People arguing can just seem relentlessly stressful, which admittedly at times Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf is, but by presenting them in this way Albee turns it into a spectator sport. Albee achieves realistic conflict and tension, but simultaneously intersperses the human arguments with the more surreal and metaphorical sections of the play. The overall message created can be as awakening to the audience as it has been to some of the characters.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Miracle of Life Essay -- Personal Narrative Pregnancy Labor Essays

The Miracle of Life The miracle of life is something most of us will experience in our lifetime. The process before actually giving birth, I think is the hardest part of the entire scenario of child bearing. This amazing experience is something that can make the individuals who are involved in the process change in so many ways. The process of giving birth, for those of you who have not experienced or will never experience it, can be very hard, long and rewarding all at the same time. To give a better description, think of eating a fireball. At first the fireball is tame and calm, but just when you least expect it the fireball becomes hot. Then, when the hot sensation becomes too much, the sweet flavor of the fireball breaks through. I am a person who can't sit still over long periods of time. I had planned to start my maternity leave two weeks before the baby's due date but I refused to stay home just because I was 9 months pregnant. I figured I if I stayed home, doing nothing, I would constantly be reminded of my back pains, a 6to 8 pound human being doing aerobics in a small compacted space, and the frequent use of the restroom. Instead of being reminded of all these things, I decided to work until the day I gave birth to help keep the agony of being pregnant from my mind. After months and months of eating for two, constant visits to the doctors, and my husbands teasing, the moment of truth finally hit me. I was actually going to give birth to this tiny individual who had been living in my stomach for the past nine months. I was finally going to meet the creature that had been kicking me and keeping me from a great nights sleep. The one thing from this experience that I have learned is that nobody will ever be able ... ...ural. An epidural, is the best thing I pregnant women could ever ask for. The pain of the contractions simple vanished and left me feeling as happy as a clam. Just imagine having laughing gas and that is how happy and relaxed I felt. The funny thing about the administration of the epidural was that it didn't hurt when it was administered. The pleasure of not feeling anymore pain was more than I could ever ask for. After what seemed like an eternity of pushing, sweating, and pain I was able to give birth to my son. My entire labor lasted about twelve hours, but to me it seemed like a life time. The pain I experienced was well worth it, because I was able to give life to another person. After all that I had experienced for those long nine months many people have asked if I would do it again. My reply to all who have asked me is, â€Å"of course I would, in a heart beat.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Uneasy Homecoming Assignment

Murray Leinster (June 16, 1896 – June 8, 1975) was a pen name of William Fitzgerald Jenkins; His father was an accountant. Although both parents were born in Virginia, the family lived in Manhattan. He began his career as a freelance writer, an award-winning American writer, of science fiction and alternate history. He wrote and published over 1,500 short stories and articles, 14 movie scripts, and hundreds of radio scripts and television plays.In World War I, Leinster served with the United States Army (1917–1918). In 1921, he married Mary Mandola. Uneasy homecoming is a book, which genuinely would suit most individuals, and is a very hooking short fiction novel to grasp hold of, as I am not one for that particular genre of book, however once I got into it I honestly couldn’t stop reading it. This is why its unquestionably one of my favourite books I’ve read for a long time!In this evaluation I intend to focus on â€Å"Uneasy Homecoming† and to ana lyze Jenkins, influence and effectiveness of techniques he uses throughout the story, to understand how he maintains the level of anticipation and suspense achieved which is very nerve racking. A short summary of Uneasy Homecoming by the author Will Jenkins, This story is focused on Connie who has arrived at her part of town, where her friends lived, after a two-week holiday. Upon reaching her house, which was the only one on the other side of the bay, her nearest neighbour’s houses were built across the bay.Once she was inside her home, she knew that her partner (Tom), would be reaching home around midnight (But Connie felt unsettled and nervous without him). Connie went outside into the garden and failed to see someone or something move by the garage, furthermore, there was a motorbike leaning against the garage wall while walking back towards the house Connie once again failed to notice the pantry window which was wide open, she quickly turned on all the lights to reassure herself, she phoned Mrs.Winston her older lady friend for some comfort talk however this soon disappeared when Mrs Winston stated â€Å"I do hope your house is alright, its been dreadful here! Didn’t you hear? † As several other houses had been burgled including Mr Saddlers shop was robbed and Mr Field the cashier was almost beaten to death, Mrs Winston offered for her to stay around until Tom was home however that meant for creepy Charles coming to pick her up and she definitely didn’t want that so she declined the offer, of support.She started for the stairs in the dark once she’d reached the top she switched that light on as well, she went into her room and noticed that someone had been in there and smoked cigarettes and casually dropped the buts on the rug, moreover the bedspread was ruffled as if someone had been lying down on it. Connie questioned herself as to what could possibly be under her bed†¦ as she peered under the bed she found a bulg ing bag †¦ FULL OF STOLEN LOOT! She dragged it out and emptied its contents onto the floor and instantaneously recognised some of the items.She went to the bedroom door; her house had been used as a hiding place for the burglaries had been taking place whilst her and Tom had been away. Mr. Field must have recognized the burglar. They’d know that she would be at home found the loot and phone the police? The pantry was dark as she was whimpering afraid to enter, but she soon realised the pantry window was broken for forced entry. There was a thump and her heart suddenly stopped beating. The refrigerator cut off. It was a coincidence of course. She felt along the walls to get to the phone though she couldn’t see the dial.He was in the house and he knew he had to kill her. She saw the back door where he forgot to shut it properly; the key to the door was missing. As she fled treading on the grass careful not tread on the gravel, as this will make sounds and alert the intruder, he still hadn’t guessed that she was outside. Connie saw the motorcycle and got the gasoline out found a book of matches in her pocket and struck it and ran away, because this would be seen across the bay and alert people that Connie’s house was on fire, she saw the figure trying to plunge out but itdidn’t work. ‘He could’ve murdered her, Connie,’ yet Mrs Winston was the mother of ‘him’. The protagonist in this fictional novel is Connie as the whole story is purely based about her feelings and what’s happening around her. The story is set in a village (she lives near close friends) and she lives across the bay from all of the other houses and is quite isolated from the community a perfect setting for a fiction horror novel especially because classic horrors happen in eerie places like these.In addition to that Jenkins expertly interweaves this theme of female vulnerability and crime with being on her own, lonesom e without a man/husband (Tom) to support her through the evening in a creepy mansion with no other neighbours around, this creates the impression of a tense atmosphere because Connie is alone, far from any other houses, which means that there was not anybody close to her if she needed any help.I also felt sorry for her at times and think that the tension in the story would be totally different if her husband, Tom, had arrived home first as woman are more vulnerable to darkness and predators than men, to show the reader the defenseless side of Connie, being on your own and experiencing a man trying to murder before she releases information to people of the village of his doings and whereabouts. I think the author purposely makes the protagonist a woman because compared to men women are seen as frail and weak especially in a horror the setting Jenkins has described. Women are weaker character than men and would generally feel more fear than a male character if he were to be t he protagonist, the male would challenge the intruder whereas the female is trying to hide herself in the shadows in fear Jenkins really emphasizes this in Connie’s emotions when in the story it suggests â€Å" she felt a need to be quiet to hide herself† this is very effective because it shows how much terror she has within her.I also noticed that throughout â€Å"Uneasy Homecoming† Connie does not hold back in expressing her fear. Many times in the short story the writer shows expression such as â€Å"Connie found herself weeping†. Consequently this made me think that something was about to happen, therefore, I felt sorry for her at times. An effective technique that W. F. Jenkins uses is in the short story he allows the reader to know more than the main character and that she might be in danger. For example, †she had looked straight at the back door without seeing what there was to be seen†.This kind of phrase gives me a feeling to urge Con nie to safety. The theme of crime really pushes all boundaries when it comes to crime/horror novels and to be fair he situation gets even worse for Connie because not only is she unaccompanied yet shes got the fright of a unexpected man using her house daily while she was away, now she has to face him which makes the atmosphere more jumpy and the reader is anticipating and predicting what could happen next and are on the edge of their seat. Jenkins cleverly stresses this.Jenkins word choice is vital for this particular genre of short story because every aspect is described in detail, which is essential because he describes with powerful words in short sentences like â€Å"She recognized him† or things like this as well â€Å"Connie noticed nothing† these are short effective sentences, because, essentially in short stories you cant drag on for long sentences as you have a short story to write not a long one therefore you word choice has to be chosen very carefully and a ccurately to sustain the reader attention.I have chosen 5 quotations from the book: â€Å"The red dying sun, cast long shadows across the road† (P1), the time of day is very important in uneasy homecoming the writer deliberately sets the short story at night with a â€Å"red dying sun† a sign of danger in the air and the perfect setting for a horror books or movies. In the story he wrote â€Å"The red dying sun, cast long shadows across the road† this is important because it put a picture in my mind of an evening with a fading sun and unusual shaped shadows, that seem to move, creating a tense and unsettled atmosphere.â€Å"She recognized him† (P8) another positive point about this key quotation is the sentence structure and paragraphing, throughout most of the story the sentences are short, slowing down the action, â€Å"She recognized him† this an example of a short sentence and a short paragraph these keep the reader on the edge of their seat, i n contrast when the reader does come to a large paragraph it gives a long vivid it gives a long vivid description. In that specific quote its only three words therefore making it short, punctual and straightforward and tells you directly what’s happening and he is really emphasizing this command.â€Å"In the lighted living room, she had the feeling of someone staring at her, from the dark outside†(P4) its like her 6th sense is working hard because she knows her thought is ridiculous and its in her head however, unfortunately she needs a logical explanation, what is more is, her coherent reasoning is not there, â€Å"The lighted living room† is quite eerie especially with contrast to â€Å"The dark outside† it’s the perfect situation to think that there is someone or something staring at her but its an illusion as well as because shes alone in a mansion like house with just her inside it in her position I could understand.â€Å"She hastened despera tely to turn out the rest. The dining room. Lights out, the windows were locked. The pantry. It was dark.Whimpering she was afraid to enter†(P7), one of the adjectives is hastened, it is so much more effective than any other word Jenkins could’ve used because it means (at no expense/ be quick to do something and then the fact she did it desperately shows us how much she needed to turn all the lights out on the other hand she was feeling very susceptible and open to anything that could potentially happen, as we read further on in that quote each sentence is getting shorter and shorter almost to show the restlessness in how she was switching everything off and Jenkins has cleverly intertwined that in his sentence structure.â€Å"The men who prey on others†(P10) throughout the â€Å"Uneasy Homecoming† the main character played a very important part in creating a tense atmosphere. The main character, Connie, developed a sense of fear about man hunting women. T he writer develops this character by writing such things as â€Å"the unnerving realization that the fears she’d had about Them, â€Å"The men who prey on others†. This phrase in particular shows that Connie is a worried, insecure person who frets about becoming a victim of â€Å"Them†. The capital letter is there to show the importance Connie gives these people.This person or people are constantly on Connie’s mind worrying her during the novel. I think the main reason why the author uses words like; ridiculous, silly, absurd and nonsense when Connie is scared is mainly because Jenkins wants you to think that it is nonsense to dismiss the idea out of your head and Connie’s too. Jenkins in his book uses many figures of speech and I think that this is a good thing and to be fair I observed right from the beginning of the story. More importantly this makes it interesting for the reader some of them are interesting others aren’t, here are two, which really grabbed my attention.â€Å"Her knees were water† (P5) this got me because it s not literately saying her knees were water its an expression almost to say she was so scared her knees were shivering, a really powerful figure of speech which got me on the edge of my seat. â€Å"There was a thump† (P5) this is an example of a really great and influential figure of speech because it uses onomatopoeia in it a thump gets me scared because Im wondering why she heard that when and where! Which interests me a lot. In his short fiction horror novel Will F Jenkins uses a lot of diverse literary techniques.Another technique the writer uses is noises in the story or lack of them. Continuously throughout the story one particular noise is mentioned, â€Å"the hum of the refrigerator†. This noise creates a tense atmosphere because it is the only sound Connie can hear if this is then interrupted something or someone must be in the house. The author helps to create a sense of realism within the book because he knew what the readers wanted and genuinely didn’t go over the top. My favourite part of the novel has to be the hunt. The hunt is the part of the story where the burglar patrolling the house looking for Connie.Connie just narrowly escapes. During the hunt Connie is terrified, many points are made about her fear such as â€Å"She felt that she would lie down at any instant and scream†. It is remarks such as these that created a tense atmosphere throughout the hunt. My favourite sentence must be â€Å"Connie bent and peered under the bed† simply because it’s a silly idea yet so influential and significant furthermore it’s the fact that shes worked herself up into such a state about it when she does know deep down there nothing under there. More importantly I can relate to this, as will many others.A cliffhanger ending is a plot device in fiction, which features a main character in a precarious or difficult dilemma, or confronted with a shocking revelation at the end of an episode of serialized fiction. In Uneasy Homecoming the author tries to almost end it on a cliffhanger â€Å"But Mrs. Winston was the other of one of them† it ends on something for your brain to work out I loved the way he put that last sentence because I had to think for the answer and I fully enjoyed it, generally I think he ended it like that for importance and above all it’s a much better ending rather than just giving the game away.Having analyzed Jenkins, his novel is wonderful and it is clear that suspense and tension are ever present throughout Uneasy Homecoming, Jenkins carefully chosen themes, word choice and literary techniques all input in helping to sustain the theme of female vulnerability, darkness and being alone which I think are the main three point Jenkins tries to really focus on which keeps the story level headed, the writer does use various techniques to create a tense atmosphere i n the story.Although the writer created a very entertaining tense atmosphere, the ending was not nerve wracking enough compared to the other nail biting moments in the story. If the burglar had found Connie, I feel that it would have been a better ending. Overall I would give congratulations to W. F. Jenkins for the creation of a suspend-filled story of an uneasy feeling.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Advertising Bias Essay

Marketing and advertising companies are constantly playing on gender roles and stereotypes. Both men and women are portrayed in certain ways to help make products seem more attractive to the same or opposite sex. Men are pictured as lazy, dumb slobs while women are pictured as gentle, beautiful, sexual, and submissive. In children’s ads, boys are shown as rough and interested in action games while girls are more quiet and interested in dolls. Though these stereotypes are not always true, they are what Americans have come to accept about gender and society. Advertisements depend upon painting evocative pictures about these stereotypes in order to entice the consumer to buy the product. Many ads use a sloppy, idiotic, couch potato to appeal to women in products that are commonly used by women such as cooking items and cleaning products. By using the male stereotype, women tend to feel empowered or that they have the upper hand when the usually â€Å"dominant† male is depicted as inferior. While downplaying the male role has become more accepted as a show of politically correct sexism, it is still politically incorrect to do such to women. See more: My Writing Process Essay Some view this as an unfair double standard. Role reversal is often utilized in advertising with women as the focus of the ad. The most common use of stereotyping with women is ads is using them to promote or sell a product through sexual appeal. Whether to a male or female audience, women are portrayed as extremely beautiful and sexy and often in suggestive poses. It attracts men for the obvious reasons, and attracts other women because they aspire to be a certain way or have a certain beautiful quality or feature. Women are also advertised as gentle and submissive in contrast to males. Feminists are against these types of stereotyping because they believe it itemizes women. In society males and females are picked on for their underlying qualities. These qualities have become so widespread and commonplace, today they are considered stereotypes. Companies use these to attract buyers with the idea that they are somewhat better than the opposite sex in some way. The underlying nature in ads points out flaws of men and women and uses them to exploit certain behaviours or mannerisms that will help sell a product with its image.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Conventional Veterinary Medicine vs Holistic Veterinary Medicine Essays

Conventional Veterinary Medicine vs Holistic Veterinary Medicine Essays Conventional Veterinary Medicine vs Holistic Veterinary Medicine Essay Conventional Veterinary Medicine vs Holistic Veterinary Medicine Essay There is always lots of talk and discussion about the difference between conventional veterinary medicine and holistic veterinary medicine. Conventional medicine has been around for many years whereas holistic medicine is recently becoming a big thing that pet owners are now turning to. Although the two are working towards the same goal, to better an animal’s life, the two are very different. There is no real research on when exactly conventional veterinarian medicine started. We do know who the father of veterinary medicine is, this would be Dr. Claude Bourgelat. He founded the first modern school of veterinary medicine in Lyon, France in 1862. (Baker, 1992-2013 ). Holistic medicine is just now starting to become popular with pet owners, as they are turning to new ways to care for their pet when they think conventional medicine is too harsh. Conventional veterinary medicine often times does not look at the whole of the animal. It’s often about symptoms and treating them. If your cat is vomiting they may prescribe centrine to stop it or if there is diarrhea, a medication that is synthetically made is prescribed for that. When symptoms persist even with meds then veterinarians will become more aggressive with medications to find a cure. Usually beginning with blood work, x-rays, urine samples and so forth. With synthetically made medicines, you sometimes run the risk of having side effects, and at times the Vet could possibly misdiagnose an illness and prescribe the wrong medication for the animal. Holistic medicine tends to look at the animal as a whole, and not just look at the symptoms. Instead of looking at just the parts of the body that are sick, they look at the whole body of the animal, and attempts to restore health in the emotional, mental, and physical states. Holistic veterinarians believe that there is toxic stress from many things in an animal’s life. Whether it be from environmental or nutritional stresses, they believe the whole animal should be looked at. There are many different types of medicine in the conventional veterinary world. They prescribe medications for anxiety, and depression as well as  medications for the everyday problems such as colds and allergies. When the animal is found with a type of cancer or tumor, there are very harsh approaches to attacking it. They use the same treatments that humans use, like radiation and chemo on your animals. Some of these medications and treatments can cause your pet side effects like vomiting, tiredness, and soreness. None the less, they are made to treat an illness and typically work. Holistic practices look at the animal as a whole. Meaning they will treat the whole animal and not just look at the animals symptoms. Holistic veterinary care involves many conventional and unconventional routes. They will look at the animals behavior, mental state, diet and nutrition, past health history, symptoms and your relationship with your pet. They want the whole picture. Could the animal’s sickness be stress related, anxiety, is it behavioral and so on. Holistic treatments tend to be less invasive and natural. Treatments can include the following. Acupuncture, acupressure, Chinese medicine, behavioral modification, herbal medicine, massage therapy, music therapy, mega-nutrients, augmentation therapy, nutritional therapy and chiropractic care. It can even get into Reiki, which is the simple use of your hands and touch. If a patient arrives in a conventional veterinary’s office with signs of gagging, respiratory difficulty, snoring or exercise intolerance chances are they have brachycephalic. Brachycephalic airway syndrome (BAS) is a congenital disorder resulting from primary conformational defects, which obstruct flow of air through the upper airways. (Johnson, 2010) The vet will recommend weight reduction of the patient then they will do a surgery to correct lesions, and also will resection the soft palate. When a patient with the same symptoms appears at a holistic veterinarian’s office, treatment is much different. Instead of surgery, the vet will prescribe a low dose of antibiotics along with other doses of Chinese herbs or appropriate nutrients. One of the Chinese herbs that are prescribed is Houttuynia. It possesses antimicrobial effects, and is useful against both bacteria and some viruses. It increases phagocytic activity of white blood  cells, which can help clear pathogens. (Paula Jo Broadfoot, 2008) This is a less invasive way to treat the patient with natural medications. Conventional veterinarians are less likely to use acupuncture on patients. When a patient arrives with a type of joint problem caused by osteoarthritis, conventional veterinarians most often turn to a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids. Holistic practices will attempt acupuncture and different herbs. They believe the acupuncture will relieve some of the stress on the joints, and relax the patient so that over time they will no longer be in pain.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Shaelins NaNoWriMo Story Preptober Special

Shaelins NaNoWriMo Story Preptober Special Shaelin's NaNoWriMo Story: Preptober Special Shaelin Bishop is a writer, YouTuber, and a member of the team here at Reedsy. She’s also a veteran of the 30-day novel  writing competition NaNoWriMo, having taken part in it for five years. In this lightly edited transcript of her video, she reveals her personal experience with the competition. Reedsy's @shaelinbishop shares her experience as a 5-time #NaNoWriMo winner At the time this is published, it's near the end of October. If you're doing NaNoWriMo, you're probably pretty ready to go and have  done most of the prep or all the prep you wanted to do.Unless you followed me on my personal channel way back when I was doing NaNoWriMo (which was a very long time ago), you won't have heard me talk about my own writing journey. With November just around the corner, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share my NaNoWriMo journey and just talk about the benefits it had for me and how it shaped me as a writer.I did NaNoWriMo five times: every single year I was in high school starting in 2010 when I was 13 years old. I saw the term float around on random social media. I looked it up, and as soon as I realized what NaNoWriMo was, I was like, "That sounds awesome. I want to try doing that."At the time I was writing a novel. Instead of waiting until next year (because when you're 13 that seems so far away), I made an account, and I signed up. I was using the Young Writers Programme where you can set your own word goal. I just set my own word goal for 15,000, and I did NaNoWriMo for like one week and that was my first NaNoWriMo experience. Finishing my first bookWhat has your experience with NaNoWriMo been like? If you have any questions for Shaelin, or thoughts on this annual competition, drop them in the comments below.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ksp Chemistry Complete Guide to the Solubility Constant

Ksp Chemistry Complete Guide to the Solubility Constant SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you learning chemistry but don’t quite understand the solubility product constant or want to learn more about it? Not sure how to calculate molar solubility from $K_s_p$? The solubility constant, or $K_s_p$, is an important part of chemistry, particularly when you’re working with solubility equations or analyzing the solubility of different solutes. When you have a solid grasp of $K_s_p$, those questions become much easier to answer! In this $K_s_p$ chemistry guide, we’ll explain the $K_s_p$ chemistry definition, how to solve for it (with examples), which factors affect it, and why it’s important. At the bottom of this guide, we also have a table with the $K_s_p$ values for a long list of substances to make it easy for you to find solubility constant values. What Is $K_s_p$? $K_s_p$ is known as the solubility constant or solubility product. It’s the equilibrium constant used for equations when a solid substance is dissolving in a liquid/aqueous solution. As a reminder, a solute (what is being dissolved) is considered soluble if more than 1 gram of it can be completely dissolved in 100 ml of water. $K_s_p$ is used for solutes that are only slightly soluble and don’t completely dissolve in solution. (A solute is insoluble if nothing or nearly nothing of it dissolves in solution.) $K_s_p$ represents how much of the solute will dissolve in solution. The value of $K_s_p$ varies depending on the solute. The more soluble a substance is, the higher its $K_s_p$ chemistry value. And what are the $K_s_p$ units? Actually, it doesn’t have a unit! The $K_s_p$ value does not have any units because the molar concentrations of the reactants and products are different for each equation. This would mean the $K_s_p$ unit would be different for every problem and would be difficult to solve, so in order to make it simpler, chemists generally drop $K_s_p$ units altogether. How nice of them! How Do You Calculate $K_s_p$? In this section, we explain how to write out $K_s_p$ chemistry expressions and how to solve for the value of $K_s_p$. For most chemistry classes, you’ll rarely need to solve for the value of $K_s_p$; most of the time you’ll be writing out the expressions or using $K_s_p$ values to solve for solubility (which we explain how to do in the â€Å"Why Is $K_s_p$ Important† section). Writing $K_s_p$ Expressions Below is the solubility product equation which is followed by four $K_s_p$ chemistry problems so you can see how to write out $K_s_p$ expressions. For the reaction $A_aB_b$(s) â‡Å' $aA^b^{+}$(aq) + $bB^a^{-}$ (aq) The solubility expression is $K_s_p$= $[A^b^{+}]^a$ $[B^a^{-}]^b$ The first equation is known as a dissociation equation, and the second is the balanced $K_s_p$ expression. For these equations: A and B represent different ions and solids. In these equations, they are also referred to as "products". a and b represent coefficients used to balance the equation (aq) and (s) indicate which state the product is in (aqueous or solid, respectively) Brackets stand for molar concentration. So [AgCl] represents the molar concentration of AgCl. In order to write $K_s_p$ expressions correctly, you need to have a good knowledge of chemical names, polyatomic ions, and the charges associated with each ion. Also, the key thing to be aware of with these equations is that each concentration (represented by square brackets) is raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced $K_s_p$ expression. Let’s look at a few examples. Example 1 $PbBr_2$(s) â‡Å' $Pb^2^{+}$ (aq) + $2Br^{ ¯}$ (aq) $K_s_p$= $[Pb^2^{+}]$ $[Br ¯]^2$ In this problem, don’t forget to square the Br in the $K_s_p$ equation. You do this because of the coefficient â€Å"2† in the dissociation equation. Example 2 CuS(s) â‡Å' $Cu^{+}$ (aq) + S ¯(aq) $K_s_p$= [$Cu^{+}$] [S ¯] Example 3 $Ag_2CrO_4$ (s) â‡Å' 2$Ag^{+}$ (aq) + $CrO_4^2^{-}$ (aq) $K_s_p$= $[Ag^{+}]^2$ [$CrO_4^2$] Example 4 $Cu_3$ $(PO_4)^2$ (s) â‡Å' $3Cu^2^{+}$ (aq) + $2PO_4^3^{ ¯}$ (aq) $K_s_p$ = $[Cu^2^{+}]^3$ [$PO_4^3^ ¯$]$^2$ Solving for $K_s_p$ With Solubility In order to calculate a value for $K_s_p$, you need to have molar solubility values or be able to find them. Question: Determine the $K_s_p$ of AgBr (silver bromide), given that its molar solubility is 5.71 x $10^{ ¯}^7$ moles per liter. First, we need to write out the two equations. AgBr(s) â‡Å' $Ag^{+}$ (aq) + $Br^{ ¯}$ (aq) $K_s_p$ = [$Ag^{+}$] [$Br^{ ¯}$] Now, since in this problem we're solving for an actual value of $K_s_p$, we plug in the solubility values we were given: $K_s_p$ = (5.71 x $10^{ ¯}^7$) (5.71 x $10^{ ¯}^7$) = 3.26 x $10^{ ¯}^13$ The value of $K_s_p$ is 3.26 x $10^{ ¯}^13$ What Factors Affect $K_s_p$? In this section, we discuss the main factors that affect the value of the solubility constant. Temperature Most solutes become more soluble in a liquid as the temperature is increased. If you’d like proof, see how well instant coffee mixes in a cup of cold water compared to a cup of hot water. Temperature affects the solubility of both solids and gases but hasn’t been found to have a defined impact on the solubility of liquids. Pressure Pressure can also affect solubility, but only for gases that are in liquids. Henry's law states that the solubility of a gas is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas. Henry’s law is written as p=kc, where p is the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid k is Henry’s law constant c is the concentration of gas in the liquid Henry’s law shows that, as partial pressure decreases, the concentration of gas in the liquid also decreases, which in turn decreases solubility. So less pressure results in less solubility, and more pressure results in more solubility. You can see Henry’s law in action if you open up a can of soda. When the can is closed, the gas is under more pressure, and there are lots of bubbles because a lot of the gas is dissolved. When you open the can, the pressure decreases, and, if you leave the soda sitting out long enough, the bubbles will eventually disappear because solubility has decreased and they are no longer dissolved in the liquid (they’ve bubbled out of the drink). Molecular Size Generally, solutes with smaller molecules are more soluble than ones with molecules particles. It’s easier for the solvent to surround smaller molecules, so those molecules can be dissolved faster than larger molecules. Why Is $K_s_p$ Important? Why does the solubility constant matter? Below are three key times you’ll need to use $K_s_p$ chemistry. To Find the Solubility of Solutes Wondering how to calculate molar solubility from $K_s_p$? Knowing the value of $K_s_p$ allows you to find the solubility of different solutes. Here’s an example: The $K_s_p$ value of $Ag_2SO_4$ ,silver sulfate, is 1.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^5$. Determine the molar solubility. First, we need to write out the dissociation equation: $K_s_p$=$ [Ag^{+}]^2$ $[SO_4^2]$ Next, we plug in the $K_s_p$ value to create an algebraic expression. 1.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^5$= $(2x)^2$ $(x)$ 1.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^5$= $4x^3$ $x$=[$SO_4^2$]=1.5x$10^{-}^2$ M $2x$= [$Ag^{+}$]=3.0x$10^{-}^2$ M To Predict If a Precipitate Will Form in Reactions When we know the $K_s_p$ value of a solute, we can figure out if a precipitate will occur if a solution of its ions is mixed. Below are the two rules that determine the formation of a precipitate. Ionic product $K_s_p$ then precipitation will occur Ionic product $K_s_p$ then precipitation will not occur To Understand the Common Ion Effect $K_s_p$ also is an important part of the common ion effect. The common ion effect states that when two solutions that share a common ion are mixed, the solute with the smaller $K_s_p$ value will precipitate first. For example, say BiOCl and CuCl are added to a solution. Both contain $Cl^{-}$ ions. BiOCl’s $K_s_p$ value is 1.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^31$ and CuCl’s $K_s_p$ value is 1.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^6$. BiOCl has the smaller $K_s_p$ value, so it will precipitate before CuCl. Solubility Product Constant Table Below is a chart showing the $K_s_p$ values for many common substances. The $K_s_p$ values are for when the substances are around 25 degrees Celsius, which is standard. Because the $K_s_p$ values are so small, there may be minor differences in their values depending on which source you use. The data in this chart comes from the University of Rhode Island’s Department of Chemistry. Substance Formula $K_s_p$ Value Aluminum hydroxide $Al(OH)_3$ 1.3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^33$ Aluminum phosphate $AlPO_4$ 6.3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^19$ Barium carbonate $BaCO_3$ 5.1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Barium chromate $BaCrO_4$ 1.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^10$ Barium fluoride $BaF_2$ 1.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^6$ Barium hydroxide $Ba(OH)_2$ 5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^3$ Barium sulfate $BaSO_4$ 1.1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^10$ Barium sulfite $BaSO_3$ 8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^7$ Barium thiosulfate $BaS_2O_3$ 1.6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^6$ Bismuthyl chloride $BiOCl$ 1.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^31$ Bismuthyl hydroxide $BiOOH$ 4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^10$ Cadmium carbonate $CdCO_3$ 5.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^12$ Cadmium hydroxide $Cd(OH)_2$ 2.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^14$ Cadmium oxalate $CdC_2O_4$ 1.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^8$ Cadmium sulfide $CdS$ 8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^28$ Calcium carbonate $CaCO_3$ 2.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Calcium chromate $CaCrO_4$ 7.1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^4$ Calcium fluoride $CaF_2$ 5.3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Calcium hydrogen phosphate $CaHPO_4$ 1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^7$ Calcium hydroxide $Ca(OH)_2$ 5.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^6$ Calcium oxalate $CaC_2O_4$ 2.7Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Calcium phosphate $Ca_3(PO_4)_2$ 2.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^29$ Calcium sulfate $CaSO_4$ 9.1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^6$ Calcium sulfite $CaSO_3$ 6.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^8$ Chromium (II) hydroxide $Cr(OH)_2$ 2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^16$ Chromium (III) hydroxide $Cr(OH)_3$ 6.3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^31$ Cobalt (II) carbonate $CoCO_3$ 1.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^13$ Cobalt (II) hydroxide $Co(OH)_2$ 1.6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^15$ Cobalt (III) hydroxide $Co(OH)_3$ 1.6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^44$ Cobalt (II) sulfide $CoS$ 4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^21$ Copper (I) chloride $CuCl$ 1.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^6$ Copper (I) cyanide $CuCN$ 3.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^20$ Copper (I) iodide $CuI$ 1.1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^12$ Copper (II) arsenate $Cu_3(AsO_4)_2$ 7.6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^36$ Copper (II) carbonate $CuCO_3$ 1.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^10$ Copper (II) chromate $CuCrO_4$ 3.6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^6$ Copper (II) ferrocyanide $Cu[Fe(CN)_6]$ 1.3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^16$ Copper (II) hydroxide $Cu(OH)_2$ 2.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^20$ Copper (II) sulfide $CuS$ 6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^37$ Iron (II) carbonate $FeCO_3$ 3.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^11$ Iron (II) hydroxide $Fe(OH)_2$ 8.0$10^{–}^16$ Iron (II) sulfide $FeS$ 6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^19$ Iron (III) arsenate $FeAsO_4$ 5.7Ãâ€"$10^{–}^21$ Iron (III) ferrocyanide $Fe_4[Fe(CN)_6]_3$ 3.3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^41$ Iron (III) hydroxide $Fe(OH)_3$ 4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^38$ Iron (III) phosphate $FePO_4$ 1.3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^22$ Lead (II) arsenate $Pb_3(AsO_4)_2$ 4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^6$ Lead (II) azide $Pb(N_3)_2$ 2.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Lead (II) bromide $PbBr_2$ 4.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^5$ Lead (II) carbonate $PbCO_3$ 7.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^14$ Lead (II) chloride $PbCl_2$ 1.6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^5$ Lead (II) chromate $PbCrO_4$ 2.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^13$ Lead (II) fluoride $PbF_2$ 2.7Ãâ€"$10^{–}^8$ Lead (II) hydroxide $Pb(OH)_2$ 1.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^15$ Lead (II) iodide $PbI_2$ 7.1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Lead (II) sulfate $PbSO_4$ 1.6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^8$ Lead (II) sulfide $PbS$ 3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^28$ Lithium carbonate $Li_2CO_3$ 2.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^2$ Lithium fluoride $LiF$ 3.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^3$ Lithium phosphate $Li_3PO_4$ 3.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Magnesium ammonium phosphate $MgNH_4PO_4$ 2.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^13$ Magnesium arsenate $Mg_3(AsO_4)_2$ 2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^20$ Magnesium carbonate $MgCO_3$ 3.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^8$ Magnesium fluoride $MgF_2$ 3.7Ãâ€"$10^{–}^8$ Magnesium hydroxide $Mg(OH)_2$ 1.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^11$ Magnesium oxalate $MgC_2O_4$ 8.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^5$ Magnesium phosphate $Mg_3(PO_4)_2$ 1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^25$ Manganese (II) carbonate $MnCO_3$ 1.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^11$ Manganese (II) hydroxide $Mn(OH)_2$ 1.9Ãâ€"$10^{–}^13$ Manganese (II) sulfide $MnS$ 3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^14$ Mercury (I) bromide $Hg_2Br_2$ 5.6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^23$ Mercury (I) chloride $Hg_2Cl_2$ 1.3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^18$ Mercury (I) iodide $Hg_2I_2$ 4.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^29$ Mercury (II) sulfide $HgS$ 2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^53$ Nickel (II) carbonate $NiCO_3$ 6.6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Nickel (II) hydroxide $Ni(OH)_2$ 2.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^15$ Nickel (II) sulfide $NiS$ 3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^19$ Scandium fluoride $ScF_3$ 4.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^18$ Scandium hydroxide $Sc(OH)_3$ 8.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^31$ Silver acetate $Ag_2CH_3O_2$ 2.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^3$ Silver arsenate $Ag_3AsO_4$ 1.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^22$ Silver azide $AgN_3$ 2.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Silver bromide $AgBr$ 5.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^13$ Silver chloride $AgCl$ 1.8Ãâ€"$10^{–}^10$ Silver chromate $Ag_2CrO_4$ 1.1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^12$ Silver cyanide $AgCN$ 1.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^16$ Silver iodate $AgIO_3$ 3.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^8$ Silver iodide $AgI$ 8.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^17$ Silver nitrite $AgNO_2$ 6.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^4$ Silver sulfate $Ag_2SO_4$ 1.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^5$ Silver sulfide $Ag_2S$ 6Ãâ€"$10^{–}^51$ Silver sulfite $Ag_2SO_3$ 1.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^14$ Silver thiocyanate $AgSCN$ 1.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^12$ Strontium carbonate $SrCO_3$ 1.1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^10$ Strontium chromate $SrCrO_4$ 2.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^5$ Strontium fluoride $SrF_2$ 2.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^9$ Strontium sulfate $SrSO_4$ 3.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^7$ Thallium (I) bromide $TlBr$ 3.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^6$ Thallium (I) chloride $TlCl$ 1.7Ãâ€"$10^{–}^4$ Thallium (I) iodide $TlI$ 6.5Ãâ€"$10^{–}^8$ Thallium (III) hydroxide $Tl(OH)_3$ 6.3Ãâ€"$10^{–}^46$ Tin (II) hydroxide $Sn(OH)_2$ 1.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^28$ Tin (II) sulfide $SnS$ 1Ãâ€"$10^{–}^26$ Zinc carbonate $ZnCO_3$ 1.4Ãâ€"$10^{–}^11$ Zinc hydroxide $Zn(OH)_2$ 1.2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^17$ Zinc oxalate $ZnC_2O_4$ 2.7Ãâ€"$10^{–}^8$ Zinc phosphate $Zn_3(PO_4)_2$ 9.0Ãâ€"$10^{–}^33$ Zinc sulfide $ZnS$ 2Ãâ€"$10^{–}^25$ Conclusion: $K_s_p$ Chemistry Guide What is $K_s_p$ in chemistry? The solubility product constant, or $K_s_p$, is an important aspect of chemistry when studying solubility of different solutes. $K_s_p$ represents how much of the solute will dissolve in solution, and the more soluble a substance is, the higher the chemistry $K_s_p$ value. To calculate the solubility product constant, you’ll first need to write out the dissociation equation and balanced $K_s_p$ expression, then plug in the molar concentrations, if you’re given them. The solubility constant can be affected by temperature, pressure, and molecular size, and it’s important for determining solubility, predicting if a precipitate will form, and understand the common ion effect.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Divorce(should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce) Research Paper

Divorce(should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce) - Research Paper Example However, there seems to be great differences in divorce activities among countries, due to variation in law. Historically, the divorce rate has been low in most of the Muslim countries, probably because of the traditional systems of organized marriages and polygamy. Despite of all these efforts, the divorce rates have soared in most of these countries as Women rebel their culture, and engage in businesses across the globe. There are various reasons attributed to cause divorce, ranging from economic and social factors among others. Over the past one decade, people have blamed economic inflations and recession, infidelity, domestic abuse, unusual close attachment to biological family, communication problems, lifestyle incompatibility, and failure to reach expectations among others. As a result, in the aftermath, it affects the families, children, and the communities, not only in the physical aspects, but also psychologically. Hence those seeking divorce and the law offering it should b e mindful of its negative consequences. Short term outcomes: These effects could develop in the process or immediately after the parents’ separation, probably in first two years. Some could occur and end completely, but others could keep reappearing based on the situations the children are engage in. First of all, there are those kids who feel responsible for their parents divorce, therefore, the guilt they have separates them from their parents, not knowing how to resolve the situation. Normally, the children who are always making their parents argue due to their irresponsibility or violence in their past, get to feel so. Remember the children’s personalities differ; hence as some feel guilty, others develop anger and resentment towards their parents for breaking up (â€Å"Effects of Divorce,† It is good to understand that children have different needs and in the surfacing of a divorce, they fail to understand why the two grown ups cannot resolve their

Friday, October 18, 2019

LMU college essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LMU college - Essay Example As a young person, I have a social life to lead, while at the same time I have my career goals to achieve. It is obvious that at this point, many people tend to suffer the effects of peer pressure from their fellow age mates, thus losing the focus of their career goals. However, for psycho-social development, it is imperative that a person at my age is subjected to a proper relationship with his peers to achieve a proper psycho-social development. This is a challenging situation for most youths and it requires application of critical thinking. Taking both scenarios in to consideration, I applied critical thinking, while using my intelligence integrated with character. To begin with, when I was making my daily time-table schedule, I began by giving the most imperative issues in life the highest priority: The most important issue in my life is my education at this time; this is followed by my psycho-social development, which basically involves spending time with relatives and friends. Therefore, on my daily schedule time table, I ensured that all issues ascribed to my academic work are given the first priority and adequate time. This was then followed by the time I spend with relatives and friends consecutively. Other miscellaneous activities such as watching movies, physical fitness sessions were given the last priority on my time-table; however adequate time was allocated for these activities. In order to be successful in formulating personal operational plans, one has to apply intelligence, while also taking into consideration his character: In my case, I applied my intelligence in creating a time-table and allocating adequate time for each daily activity. However, a great sense of care was taken in order to ensure that none of the activities collided with each other. My intelligence also played a crucial is evaluating what seems to be important in my life at this particular time and what

Warren .P. Fraleigh's Relationships Between Purpose and Other Essay

Warren .P. Fraleigh's Relationships Between Purpose and Other Purpose-related Terms - Essay Example The first term related to purpose, is motive and the difficulty of equating the two terms. Motivation is explained on the backdrop of an individual making the decision to participate in a sporting activity against other forms of recreation. This suggestion indicates the examination of sports and purpose as a smaller category found in a larger concept, which is that of recreation (Fraleigh, 1975). The purpose of engaging in sporting activities is not always explicit, as it cannot be delinked from self-actualization. Self-actualization might not form the actual purpose of engaging in sporting activities, but it is attained subconsciously. Purpose gives sporting activities some sense of direction going against the proposed concept of natural law regarding sports that delineates sporting activities from purpose. The example cited in the article on Olympic games introduces the second term related to purpose and that is intention. The intention of conducting Olympic games supersedes actual sporting activities and differs from one individual to the next and amongst participating nations. Sports in this case can be viewed as a medium of actualization of individual and group goals, for example, engagement in sporting activities with the aim of gaining recognition and fame (Fraleigh, 1975). Other individuals engage in sporting activities at the Olympics with the purpose of ensuring their countries are brought to the spotlight. This interrogation of sporting activities reveals that sport in itself does not have a purpose, but social groups or individuals assign the purpose to the sport and as such, the sporting activity cannot achieve additional purpose than that assigned to it by participants. This is true owing to the nature of sporting activities across the globe in which people engage for varied reasons. A sporting activity might have similar characteristics but achieves different purposes

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reflection to ANMC Codes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Reflection to ANMC Codes - Assignment Example The discomfort was not very unusual because initially all of the patients fed through the tube show some sort of or to some extent their distress. Mr. Luke however frequently moaned or placed his hands on his stomach. His niece Martha came 24hrs after the insertion of the g-tube and she was very displeased at the state of his uncle’s health and pain. She requested for the immediate removal of the tube, she said she presumed it should have been removed after his admitting to the nursing home and he should have been fed by mouth, even though there was no surety that Mr. Luke would be able to take sufficient nutrition by mouth, the physician ordered to remove the tube. However I did not want to proceed to the procedure as it would definitely be damaging for the patient’s health and I am of the opinion that anything possible that can be done to save a human life is necessary and every moment of a human life is necessary so it must be preserved and protected even of those wh o are terminally ill or near death. According to Mr. Luke’s guardian I was just making the dying. process prolong and all of the staff cited the right of the patient to decline the treatment and the nurses should try to reduce the pain of the patient even if that set off a dying process, so the professional ethics side with Mr. Luke and Martha’s decision. ... the satisfactory part for me was just the comforting thought that I was not involved in causing the pain nor was I part of the team that was making a decision which took him to the brim of life. The criticality of the situation is what a nurse ought to do. If treatment is the cause of pain then death or initiation of dying process is a pain itself, so why not safe the life rather then letting one die. Collaborative and Therapeutic Practice I was in the critical care unit in St. Vincent Hospital, Sydney and I received a call from a Mrs. street and she said she was the wife of the patient admitted in the ICU, she asked me whether her husband was still in the unit and what his status was?. Although I was tempted to help the lady so worried about her husband’s condition but according to the competency standards I was not allowed legally to give away patients confidential status or any information so I refused the lady to talk on phone about the condition rather visit in person. I later felt bad about the situation and thought that I did not do the right thing as she might have been in any critical situation but then I was a nurse fulfilling my duties as required. On the other hand I could have gone to Mr. Street and should have asked him his permission to disclose his condition and then tell his wife. Although if necessary as if the patient is unable to permit the disclosure of his condition then a supervisor could be involved in the situation as well because best working relationships require open communication with your supervisor which may become handy at the situations like these. Provision and Coordination of Care Sonia was 50 year old woman admitted to

Risk Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk Assessment - Essay Example In the first given case study of Colleen M. who is fifteen year old girl and determined juvenile by the court. When a teen is considered as juvenile or delinquent, his/ her future is put on stake and society also does not accept them. Colleen M. is not any criminal or gang member neither she has crime history prior but her minor quarrel with her neighbor took an ugly turn. In an argument with her neighbor, she threw a bucket of pesticide on her which caused major injuries to her and she immediately died on the spot. Though the accident took place in the negligence of Colleen yet it is sufficient to devastating her future. On the contrary, in the case of Xander who is a seventeen year old African American male is a documented gang member. He was convicted as juvenile when he was thirteen for drug possession, purse snatching and breaking and entering. Till date he has faced three police custodies one of which is for possession of a concealed weapon, to which he has pled guilty. When bo th the case studies are compared, the first difference which is noticed is that Xander had a criminal background but Colleen hadn’t had such background. ... On the contrary, Xander is in contact with his mother and had cordial relations with her, though he does not have any contact with his father. In spite of having love and support of his mother, Xander is a documented member of a gang and have been involved in criminal offences since the age of 13 whereas there are no criminal charges against Colleen before this particular case. Along with this, comparison of these two individuals also indicates that both of them are not good at academics. In fact, Xander is a high school dropout whereas no information provided about Colleen. Therefore, there is room for information about Colleen’s academics background however her actions imply that she is not a regular student in school. Furthermore, their present case status demonstrate that they are involved in great risk as precious years of their young life are stuck into the police case which hinders their personality to grow. It is the time for them when they can polish their skills and become a responsible citizen as well as a family member but their unwarranted actions are slowly spoiling their life. The level of risk in their life is on high level. In the teen age they are accused of crimes like involuntary manslaughter and possession of weapons which is a clear indication of their troubled mental state. Colleen used to live with her aunt but many times she ran away from her home. Again, it shows that she is not happy with her and something immensely disturbing her. Court also doubts that she is a drug addict and but she refused this by saying that while traveling with three homeless men, they unknowingly stumbled upon a field of poppies and that before they knew it; the intoxicating aroma caused her

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reflection to ANMC Codes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Reflection to ANMC Codes - Assignment Example The discomfort was not very unusual because initially all of the patients fed through the tube show some sort of or to some extent their distress. Mr. Luke however frequently moaned or placed his hands on his stomach. His niece Martha came 24hrs after the insertion of the g-tube and she was very displeased at the state of his uncle’s health and pain. She requested for the immediate removal of the tube, she said she presumed it should have been removed after his admitting to the nursing home and he should have been fed by mouth, even though there was no surety that Mr. Luke would be able to take sufficient nutrition by mouth, the physician ordered to remove the tube. However I did not want to proceed to the procedure as it would definitely be damaging for the patient’s health and I am of the opinion that anything possible that can be done to save a human life is necessary and every moment of a human life is necessary so it must be preserved and protected even of those wh o are terminally ill or near death. According to Mr. Luke’s guardian I was just making the dying. process prolong and all of the staff cited the right of the patient to decline the treatment and the nurses should try to reduce the pain of the patient even if that set off a dying process, so the professional ethics side with Mr. Luke and Martha’s decision. ... the satisfactory part for me was just the comforting thought that I was not involved in causing the pain nor was I part of the team that was making a decision which took him to the brim of life. The criticality of the situation is what a nurse ought to do. If treatment is the cause of pain then death or initiation of dying process is a pain itself, so why not safe the life rather then letting one die. Collaborative and Therapeutic Practice I was in the critical care unit in St. Vincent Hospital, Sydney and I received a call from a Mrs. street and she said she was the wife of the patient admitted in the ICU, she asked me whether her husband was still in the unit and what his status was?. Although I was tempted to help the lady so worried about her husband’s condition but according to the competency standards I was not allowed legally to give away patients confidential status or any information so I refused the lady to talk on phone about the condition rather visit in person. I later felt bad about the situation and thought that I did not do the right thing as she might have been in any critical situation but then I was a nurse fulfilling my duties as required. On the other hand I could have gone to Mr. Street and should have asked him his permission to disclose his condition and then tell his wife. Although if necessary as if the patient is unable to permit the disclosure of his condition then a supervisor could be involved in the situation as well because best working relationships require open communication with your supervisor which may become handy at the situations like these. Provision and Coordination of Care Sonia was 50 year old woman admitted to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Data Analysis - Essay Example Histogram for the First Quarter Average Order Size Figure 1.3. Histogram for the Second Quarter Average Order Size Table 1.2. Relative Frequency Distribution for the First Quarter Average Order Size Order Size Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 0-20 0 0.00 20-40 0 0.00 40-60 0 0.00 60-80 0 0.00 80-100 2 0.03 100-120 8 0.13 120-140 17 0.27 140-160 19 0.31 160-180 10 0.16 180-200 4 0.06 200-220 1 0.02 220-240 1 0.02    62 1 Table 1.3. Relative Frequency Distribution for the Second Quarter Average Order Size Order Size Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 0-20 0 0.00 20-40 0 0.00 40-60 0 0.00 60-80 0 0.00 80-100 1 0.02 100-120 10 0.16 120-140 24 0.38 140-160 19 0.30 160-180 5 0.08 180-200 3 0.05 200-220 2 0.03    64 1 (b) Construct similar quarterly charts for the company’s total number of orders per day. ... Relative Frequency Distribution for the Third Quarter Orders Q3 Order Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 100-110 0 0.00 110-120 1 0.02 120-130 1 0.02 130-140 4 0.06 140-150 2 0.03 150-160 14 0.22 160-170 16 0.25 170-180 13 0.21 180-190 10 0.16 190-200 1 0.02 200-210 1 0.02    63 1 Table 1.5. Relative Frequency Distribution for the Fourth Quarter Orders Q4 Order Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 100-110 0 0.00 110-120 0 0.00 120-130 2 0.03 130-140 2 0.03 140-150 5 0.08 150-160 10 0.16 160-170 15 0.23 170-180 9 0.14 180-190 8 0.13 190-200 8 0.13 200-210 3 0.05 210-220 1 0.02 220-230 0 0.00 230-240 0 0.00 240-250 1 0.02    64 1 Table 1.6. Relative Frequency Distribution for the First Quarter Orders Q1 Order Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 100-110 0 0.00 110-120 1 0.02 120-130 1 0.02 130-140 1 0.02 140-150 3 0.05 150-160 3 0.05 160-170 9 0.15 170-180 12 0.19 180-190 14 0.23 190-200 7 0.11 200-210 4 0.06 210-220 5 0.08 220-230 1 0.02 230-240 1 0.02    62 1 Table 1.7. Relative Frequency Distribution for the Second Quarter Orders Q2 Order Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 100-110 1 0.02 110-120 0 0.00 120-130 0 0.00 130-140 0 0.00 140-150 2 0.03 150-160 7 0.11 160-170 7 0.11 170-180 19 0.30 180-190 13 0.20 190-200 9 0.14 200-210 4 0.06 210-220 1 0.02 220-230 1 0.02    64 1 (c) What changing patterns are evident in the data from quarter to quarter? What are some possible explanations? The histograms and relative frequency distributions of the average order size for the first and second quarters are both uni-modal and negatively skewed. This indicates that data are concentrated to the right of the mean. This supports Laurel’s trending assumptions that â€Å"orders will be more frequent and for smaller amounts than before†. Meanwhile, the histograms

Monday, October 14, 2019

Love Is All About Sacrifices Essay Example for Free

Love Is All About Sacrifices Essay Love encourages people to sacrifice important things in their lives for others. Love can destroy or improve ones’ life. It once happen to a little country girl in the early days. Love totally changed her life both destroying it and improving it. This girl’s name was Kat and she was the mayor’s daughter who was advised by her father to marry a guy named Bruce. Bruce was kind of a nice guy, really successful, but very serious and didn’t have no time to have fun. He was very well liked by the whole town and all the girls went crazy when they saw him. Everyone thought it was a great idea if they got married. Although, on the other hand, Kat was a girl very high spirited and she had fun all the time. One windy and cloudy afternoon, Bruce asked Kat’s hand in marriage while talking to her father. Kat’s father was very happy about the news that he announced the request to the whole town. Kat rather seemed â€Å"okay† about the whole situation instead of being excited. That night she had a dream about a dart in a board spinning over and over again but instead of the spinning making her dizzy she was happy. It was a really strange dream and it kept repeating three nights in a row. Contrary to her strange dream, she went to seek advice from her grandma who was probably about 94 years old. She was so excited to see her granddaughter and listen to her. â€Å"I had a dream grandma, a very strange dream and I need you to tell me what you think it means† she said. â€Å"I’m all ears† said grandma. â€Å"Let’s hear it†. She explained the whole dream to her grandma and said â€Å" so what do you think it means? † Asked Kat. Grandma said â€Å"pumpkin this dream means you should follow your heart and instinct because something important is about to happen in your life†. With excitement she said â€Å" oh grandma, I love you, you always have answers to every question†. â€Å"That’s what I do†. So Kat decided to head towards home. On her way home she noticed a conveyance truck or moving truck parked in front of an old house. Due to curiosity, she neared and watched what was happening there. To her amazement, she saw a handsome spirited young man who was admiring the building. She asked â€Å"are you new in the neighborhood? † â€Å"Yeah I am, anyway I am Jason†. She stared at him for a while before answering† oh, I am Kat the mayor’s daughter and it’s nice to meet you† she finally said. I have to go, so I guess I would be seeing you around† she said. â€Å"Yeah â€Å"he answered. She looked so happy and relaxed on her way home. At her arrival at home her dad wanted to talk to her about Bruce but she said she didn’t like Bruce and wouldn’t marry him. Her father tried to convince her but she didn’t want to talk about it. The next day she went spying on Jason, she would get up early, go hide behind the house hoping to see him. This continued for many days until her best friend Tatiana followed her one day and found out she was spying on the â€Å"new guy in town† as she referred Jason to. During one morning, Tatiana went over to Jason’s house and told him all about what Kat did every morning. So he hid behind the house waiting for Kat to come. She did and was caught by Jason. He explained to her how he knew and that he also likes her but doesn’t spy on her behind her house every morning. Surprisingly, they started to go out for months during which Kat’s dad kept haunting her to marry Bruce. Six months later, they both expressed their feelings and decided to tell Kat’s dad that they are getting married. To their dismay , Kat’s dad did not agree with their decision and refused to give them his blessings. Out of love for Jason, Kat decided to leave her dad and the town to go get married to Jason in a different town or country. Before leaving she thanked her best friend Tatiana for being there for her and helping her. Also she invited her to be the brides maid at her wedding. Without her father’s acknowledgement she left the town, got married and had kids. Then he realized how happy his daughter is and began to regret not being there for her. So life can be real hard or easy but it all depends on the decisions made in our lives. Sacrifices made in our lives can result in pain or happiness. We should be wise and always make the right sacrifices!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Types And Uses Of Coupling Devices Engineering Essay

Types And Uses Of Coupling Devices Engineering Essay A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of transmitting power.In machinery, a device for providing a connection, readily broken and restored, between two adjacent rotating shafts.A coupling may provide either a rigid or a flexible connection; the flexibility may permit misalignment of the connected shafts or provide a torsionally flexible (yielding) connection, mitigating effects of shock Couplings do not normally allow disconnection of shafts during operation, though there do exist torque limiting couplings which can slip or disconnect when some torque limit is exceeded. A common type of rigid coupling consists of two mating radial flanges (disks) that are attached by key-driven hubs to the ends of the shafts and bolted together through the flanges. Alignment of the shafts is usually achieved by means of a short cylindrical projection (rabbet joint) on the face of one flange that fits snugly into a circular recess on the face of the other flange. The chain coupling consists of two hardened-steel sprockets, one on each shaft, with a nylon or metal roller chain wrapped around the closely aligned sprockets and connected at the ends. Clearances between the sprocket teeth and the chain allow for a small amount of shaft misalignment. For connecting shafts whose axes intersect but are inclined to one another at a larger angle than a flexible coupling can accommodate, universal joints are used. The most common of these is the Hooke, or Cardan, joint, which consists of two yokes attached to the shaft ends and a cross-shaped connecting member. Uses Shaft couplings are used in machinery for several purposes, the most common of which are the following. To provide for the connection of shafts of units that are manufactured separatelty such as a motor and generator and to provide for disconnection for repairs or alternations. To provide for misalignment of the shafts or to introduce mechanical flexibility. To reduce the transmission of shock loads from one shaft to another. To introduce protection against overloads. To alter the vibration characteristics of rotating units. Types of shaft couplings Drive couplings A coupling is used to connect two in-line shafts to allow one shaft (driver) to drive the second shaft(driven) at the same speed. A coupling can be rigid or, more normally, it can be flexible allowing relative radial, axial or angular movement of the two shafts. Unlike the clutch the coupling transmission is not designed to engage-disengage as a normal operation Coupling Type Coupling type Description Rigid Flange locked onto each shaft. One flange with recess and the other with matching spigot. Flanges bolted together to form rigid coupling with no tolerance for relative radial, angular or axial movement of the shafts. Muff Coupling Long cylindrical coupling bored and keyed to fit over both shafts. Split axially and clamped over both shafts with recessed bolts. Rigid coupling for transmitting high torques at high speeds Beam Coupling Single piece cylindrical coupling with a hole bored through its entire length. Each end bored to suite the relevant shaft. The helical slot is machined in the coupling in the central region. The reduces the coupling stiffness. The coupling is positive with some flexibility. Pin As rigid coupling but with no recess and spigot and the Bolts replaced by pins with rubber bushes. Design allows certain flexibility. Flexible Rubber disc As rigid coupling except that a thick rubber disc bonded between steel plates is located between the flanges. The plates are bolted to the adjacent coupling flanges. Spider Both half of the couplings have three shaped lugs . When the coupling halves are fitted together the lugs on one half fit inside the spaces between the lugs on the other side. A Rubber insert with six legs fits within the spaces between the lugs. The drive is by the lugs transmitting the torque through the rubber spider spacer This coupling is only used for low power drives. Bibby Coupling The outer flanges of the two half couplings are serrated. A spring fits into the serrations connecting the two halves. Chain Coupling Flanges replaced a sprocket on each shaft. The coupling is by a duplex chain wrapped over both adjacent cnoupling. Gear Coupling Both coupling halves have a raised rim machined as an external gear. The sleeve which couples the two shafts comprises two halves bolted together, each half having a machine internal gear. This coupling requires lubrication. The coupling is capable of high speeds and high power capacity. Metastream Coupling Coupling halves connected via stainless steel diaphragms. High speed high torque capability with good dynamic balance. Single coupling will accommodate angular and radial misalignment and fitted in pairs also allows lateral misalignment. Fluid Coupling Based on both coupling halves having vanes within a housing containing viscous fluid. The rotation is transmitted from one side to the other via the viscous fluid. the coupling provides a soft start. Universal Coupling Coupling which allows large angle between drive halves(20-30o). Generally based on a yoke mounted on each shaft . Between to yokes is mounted a trunnion cross. Needle bearings are used at the bearing points between the cross and the yokes. These type or units are used in pairs on carden shafts. Uses widely on rear wheel drive vehicle propshafts Universal Coupling- Uni-Joint Simplest type of coupling which allows large angle between drive halves. Each side of coupling includes protruding pins. The halves of the coupling are fastened in a pivotting assembly. At all angles up to about 40othe pins interlock with each other and rotation on one half forces the other half to rotate. Low power use only . Not smooth. Not reliable. Really only suitable for remote manual operations. Rigid coupling Rigid couplings are used when precise shaft alignment is required; shaft misalignment will affect the couplings performance as well as its life. Examples: Sleeve or muff coupling Clamp or split-muff or compression coupling Flange coupling Flexible coupling Flexible couplings are designed to transmit torque while permitting some radial and axial and angular misalignment. Flexible couplings can accommodate angular misalignment up to a few degrees and some parallel misalignment. Examples: Bushed pin type coupling Universal coupling Oldham coupling Bellows coupling à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ low backlash. Spider or jaw coupling à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ elastomeric inserts for flexibility, vibration reduction. Thompson coupling Resilient coupling Disc coupling Some applications like printing machines, roll forming machines, laminating machines, corrugated paper machines and paper making machines require an extreme and variable parallel offset. For these machines the coupling Schmidt-Kupplung is a solution. Torque limiting coupling Torque limiting couplings, or torque limiters, protect systems against overtorque conditions. Requirements of good shaft alignment / good coupling setup it should be easy to connect or disconnect the coupling. it should transmit the full power from one shaft to other without losses. it does allow some misalignment between the two adjacent shaft roation axis. it is the goal to minimise the remaining misalignment in running operation to maximise power transmission and to maximise machine runtime (coupling and bearing and sealings lifetime). it should have no projecting parts. it is recommended to use manufacturers alignment target values to set up the machine train to a defined non-zero alignment, due to the fact that later when the machine is at operation temperature the alignment condition is perfect Tools to measure shaft axis alignment condition it is possible to measure the alignment with dial gages or feeler gages using various mechanical setups. it is recommended to take care of bracket sag, parallaxe error while reading the values. it is very convenient to use laser shaft alignment technique to perform the alignment task within highest accuracy. it is required to align the machine better, the laser shaft alignment tool can help to show the required moves at the feet positions. Coupling maintenance and failure Coupling maintenance is generally a simple matter, requiring a regularly scheduled inspection of each coupling. It consists of: Performing visual inspections, checking for signs of wear or fatigue, and cleaning couplings regularly. Checking and changing lubricant regularly if the coupling is lubricated. This maintenance is required annually for most couplings and more frequently for couplings in adverse environments or in demanding operating conditions. Documenting the maintenance performed on each coupling, along with the date. Even with proper maintenance, however, couplings can fail. Underlying reasons for failure, other than maintenance, include: Improper installation Poor coupling selection Operation beyond design capabilities. The only way to improve coupling life is to understand what caused the failure and to correct it prior to installing a new coupling. Some external signs that indicate potential coupling failure include: Abnormal noise, such as screeching, squealing or chattering Excessive vibration or wobble Failed seals indicated by lubricant leakage or contamination. Checking the coupling balance Couplings are normally balanced at the factory prior to being shipped, but they occasionally go out of balance in operation. Balancing can be difficult and expensive, and is normally done only when operating tolerances are such that the effort and the expense are justified. The amount of coupling unbalance that can be tolerated by any system is dictated by the characteristics of the specific connected machines and can be determined by detailed analysis or experience.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pathology Arises Out Fo The Ex Essay -- essays research papers

Concepts of pathology, as treated by the traditions of clinical psychology and psychiatry, define what is ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ in human behaviour. Various psychological paradigms exist today, each emphasising diverse ways of defining and treating psyopathology. Most commonly utilised is the medical model which is limited in many respects, criticised for reducing patients problems to a list of pathological symptoms that have a primarily biological base and which are to be treated behaviourally or pharmacologically (Schwartz & Wiggins 1999). Such reductionistic positivist ways of viewing the individual maintain the medical discourse of ‘borderline personality’, schizoid’, ‘paranoid’ or ‘clinically depressed’, often failing to address the wider socio- ltural environment of the individual. Pilgrim (1992) suggests that such diagnostic pidgeon-holing does not enhance humanity, nor aid those who are dealing with the distressed individual to find meaning. It also neglects to consider life beyond the physical, failing to address the more philosophical questions that abound from our very existence. Existential psychiatry and psychology arose in Europe in the 1940’s and 1950’s as a direct response to the dissatisfaction with prevailing efforts to gain scientific understanding in psychiatry (Binswanger 1963). Existentialism is the title of a set of philosophical ideas that emphasise the existence of the human being, the lack of meaning and purpose in life and the solitude of human existence. Existentialism stresses the jeopardy of life, the voidness of human reality and admits that the human being thrown into the world, a world in which pain, frustration, sickness, contempt, malaise and death dominates (Barnes 1962). How one positions oneself in that world becomes the focus for existential notions of pathology, a responsibility that is present for every human being, not one confined to the ‘mentally ill’. In this sense the human being is ‘response-able’ to the existential predicament that is life and the necessary struggles that arise through negotiating these conditions in every lived moment. In this essay I will give a brief outline of the history of existential thinkers, then discuss how t... ...  Lowrie). Princeton: Princton University Press Laing, R. D. (1960). The Divided Self. Harmondsworth: Penguin Lewis, C. S. (1943). The Abolition of Man. Oxford: Oxford University Press May, R. (1969). Love and Will. New York: Norton. May, R. & Yalom, I. (1984). Existential Psychotherapy. In Corsini, R. J. (ed.), Current  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychotherapies. Itasca Illinois: Peacock Owen, I. R. (1994). Introducing an existential-phenomenological approach: basic   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  phenomenological theory and research- Part 1. Counselling Psychology   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quarterly, 7, (3) 261-273 Pilgrim, D. (1992). Psychotherapy and Political Evasions. In Dryden, W. & Feltham,C. (Eds.) Psychotherapy and It’s Discontents. Buckingham: Open University Press Satre, J. P. (1951). Being and Nothingness. (Trans. H. Barnes) Methuen: London Schwartz, M. A. & Wiggins, O. P. (1999). The Crisis of Present-Day Psychiatry:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Regaining the Personal. Psychiatric Times, 16, 9. Yalom, I. (1989). Love’s Executioner: And Other Tales of Psychotherapy. New York:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Harper Collins

Friday, October 11, 2019


TITANIUM EXTRACTION ASSIGNMENT 1 1. TiO2+Cl2—————–TiCl4+O2 2. Why is an atmosphere of argon used for this reaction ? The titanium (iv) chloride is added to a reactor in which very pure sodium has been heated to about 5500c -everything being under an innert argon atmosphere. During this reaction the temperature increases to about 10000 c . The reaction is carried out in an argon atmosphere to prevent magnessium and sodium from reacting with oxygen in the air. 3. Another gas used instead of argon. ny of the elements in group O of the periodic table including helium ,neon,krypton,xenon,and radon which are monoatomic and with limited excemptions chemically innert. 4. Why titanium is an expensive metal Titanium is very expensive because it is akward to extract from ore -for example rutile,TiO2 . You cannot use carbon reduction Titanium can not be extracted by reducing the ore using carbon as a cheap reducing agent. The problem is that titanium for ms a carbide TiC,if it is heated with carbon,so you dont get the pure metal that you need. The presence of the carbide makes the metal very brittle.That means that you have to use an alternative reducing agent. In the case of titanium,the reducing agent is either sodium or magnessium. Both of these would ofcoarse first have to be extracted from their ores by expensive processes. 5. The atom economy of the process used to extract titanium. Total mass of reactants =212g Total mass of desired product=22g Atom economy=mass of desired product *100% total mass of reactants 22*100 =10. 774 212 The total economy of the Kroll process is 10. 3774 . 6. The atom economy will be lower since it was carried out in an ideal situationwhere all factors are constant and there is no external interference but in real situation extal forces like heat loss,temparature,impurities will affect the system hence a lower value Mikume TITANIUM EXTRACTION ASSIGNMENT 1 1. TiO2+Cl2—————–TiCl4+O2 2. Why is an atmosphere of argon used for this reaction ? The titanium (iv) chloride is added to a reactor in which very pure sodium has been heated to about 5500c -everything being under an innert argon atmosphere. During this reaction the temperature increases to about 10000 c . The reaction is carried out in an argon atmosphere to prevent magnessium and sodium from reacting with oxygen in the air. 3. Another gas used instead of argon. ny of the elements in group O of the periodic table including helium ,neon,krypton,xenon,and radon which are monoatomic and with limited excemptions chemically innert. 4. Why titanium is an expensive metal Titanium is very expensive because it is akward to extract from ore -for example rutile,TiO2 . You cannot use carbon reduction Titanium can not be extracted by reducing the ore using carbon as a cheap reducing agent. The problem is that titanium for ms a carbide TiC,if it is heated with carbon,so you dont get the pure metal that you need. The presence of the carbide makes the metal very brittle.That means that you have to use an alternative reducing agent. In the case of titanium,the reducing agent is either sodium or magnessium. Both of these would ofcoarse first have to be extracted from their ores by expensive processes. 5. The atom economy of the process used to extract titanium. Total mass of reactants =212g Total mass of desired product=22g Atom economy=mass of desired product *100% total mass of reactants 22*100 =10. 774 212 The total economy of the Kroll process is 10. 3774 . 6. The atom economy will be lower since it was carried out in an ideal situationwhere all factors are constant and there is no external interference but in real situation extal forces like heat loss,temparature,impurities will affect the system hence a lower value

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How accuracy may be ensured in techniques used Essay

M1: Explain how accuracy may be ensured in the techniques used Cynthia Nzeh Task 1 1) Discuss how your choice of equipment and how it affected the accuracy of your method. Discuss good volumetric technique. 2) Calculate the apparatus error for the method used. 3) Given the value calculated by the senior technician calculate your error and comment on this error in relation to the apparatus error of the method. In the titration, I used these available instruments to ensure my results would be as accurate as possible. Volumetric burette: This instrument was filled with the sodium hydroxide solution that would be gradually added to the vinegar solution. The burette was used instead of a measuring cylinder as it gives a finer volume reading. It has a tap which enables the user to quickly and easily stop the amount of sodium hydroxide solution that pours out. However using a piston burette instead of a volumetric burette may have increased the chances of gaining more accurate results. This is because the piston burette delivers precision bore and plunger. White tile: The tile was used to be able to observe the colour change of the solution in the conical flask better. By placing the white tile it allowed us to see the colour change more easily and quickly therefore increasing our chances of closing the burette tap on time and giving us closer and possibly more accurate results. If non clear paper was used or no paper at all, the colour change of the solution would not have been spotted as quickly therefore increasing the time taken to close the burette tap to stop sodium hydroxide being added to the vinegar solution. The increase of sodium hydroxide solution would mean that the results obtained would not be the accurate or close to the accurate value. Funnel: This piece of equipment was added to the top of the burette and it was used to channel the sodium hydroxide solution into the burette. The mouth of the burette was too small to pour the sodium hydroxide solution in safely so the plastic funnel was used to prevent any spillage of the solution and enabled the sodium hydroxide solution to be poured into the  burette with precision and no spillage. A disposable paper funnel would not have been an appropriate piece of equipment to use, this is because the paper funnel would have absorbed some of the correctly measured sodium hydroxide solution (liquid) and changed the total volume of the sodium hydroxide going into the burette. The funnel is then removed before the titration takes place; this is to prevent any extra droplets, of the solution remaining in the funnel, to be added to the solution as it could affect the overall volume in the burette. Conical flask: The conical flask was used to store the vinegar with drops of phenolphthalein before sodium hydroxide was added to the solution through the burette. A conical flask was the most ideal piece of equipment to use. The narrow head minimises the risk of splashes from the flask, this means that the solution remains in the flask and does not come into contact with experimenter. Using a conical flask over a beaker is more ideal. This is due to the fact that a beaker has a wide open mouth which means that solutions can splash out when poured in. Also, the shape of the instrument make it is easier to swirl the contents of the flask. Bulb pipette (and filler): This instrument was used to measure out 25.0cm3 of sodium hydroxide to be added to the conical flask. There is a line of meniscus which indicates where the volume should be, this makes the pipette produce an accurate 25.0 volume. The pipette has a narrow portion which slows down the speed at which the solution gets drawn up. This enables the volume to be more accurate as it is easier and quicker to stop the pipette drawing up more of the solution after drawing up the desired amount. A measuring cylinder may have also been used and may be more ideal than the bulb pipette. This is due to the fact that it has a measuring scale and the amount poured into the instrument is more controlled compared to the bulb pipette as this only has one line of measurement and it is tricky to get a solution to fall on the line of the meniscus. Good Volumetric Techniques To achieve a good volumetric technique, the experimenter needs to be able to correctly complete certain procedures. Before beginning an experiment, it is good to calibrate any equipment that needs calibration. This ensures that results obtain will be as accurate as possible or as near to the true value. All equipment should be inspected to ensure that there are no chips, cracks or general damage to the equipment as these could cause problems during the experiment which could affect the overall results gained. Equipment such as burettes, pipettes, flasks and beakers must be rinsed with distilled water to get rid of any impurities in the equipment. If solutions are to be poured in any piece of equipment then the equipment should also be rinsed out with the solution being used, this will maintain the pH level in the instrument. Once a solution is transferred from the pipette to the flask, touching the tip of the pipette on the side of the flask will drain any extra drops that may still remain on the tip of the pipette. When filling up the burette it is important that a funnel is used, however as the solution reaches the 0 mark it is ideal that the funnel be removed and a pipette used instead to reach the 0 mark, this is to achieve greater precision. During the experiment, it is important to swirl the flask continuously with one hand whilst the other hand opens and closes the tap of the burette, this allows the solution to mix well enough for the colour change to be observed quicker. The titrant should be added in drop by drop as it reaches the endpoint as it prevents too much of the solution in the burette to be added to the solution in the conical flask. Also, the tap should be shut properly to prevent any extra unwanted solution from pouring out. The burette and pipette must be read at eye level to gain the actual result. To ensure reliability, the experiment should be repeated until a concordance between two results is acquired. Apparatus error To calculate the apparatus error the equation is: Maximum error Measure Value 25cm3 pipette = ( ± 0.1cm3 à · 25) x 100 = 0.4 Burette = ( ± 0.15cm à · 22.75) x 100 = 0.66 Mass Balance = (0.01 à · 4.05) x 100 = 0.25 Volumetric flask = (0.1 à · 200) x 100 = 0.05 = 1.36% apparatus error Experimental error = 100 x (real answer – experiment answer) Real answer 100 x (0.056 – 0.0546) 0.056 100 x 0.0014 = 2.5% 0.056 The experimental error is greater than the apparatus error. This could have been down to a number of different factors. Too much sodium hydroxide may have been added to the solution which could have changed the volume of sodium hydroxide used. The burette could have been read wrong and not at the same eye level or from the bottom of the meniscus line. These faults may have been the cause of the experimental error or they may have added to the experimental error and this is why the experimental error is much greater than the apparatus error. Task 2 & 3 There were certain procedures done in order to ensure the results obtained would be as accurate as possible. Flame test Before beginning the experiment, the wire loop is dipped into dilute hydrochloric acid then held in a Bunsen burner flame. This is to get rid of any residue remaining of the loop. Each test tube was correctly labelled to avoid a mix up. The solutions where look at behind a white background, this was to enable the correct colour to be identified easier. Different instruments for different solution were used. Food test For this test it was important to keep the amount of food samples used equal for each food group. The food samples were placed in separate pellets to avoid cross contamination between the foods. Each test tube was correct labelled to avoid a mix up. Equal drops of indicators were added to each food sample. Sources